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Question: What is twilight cosmic-con!?
I keep seeing things on the internet but can't figure out what it is!. I know it has something to do with the movie!.

Thanks for your knowledge!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

OK, first off, it's called Comic-Con, as in a convention based around comics!.

It happens in late July every single year, and has been happening since the 1970's-ish!.

It started years ago as a place for people to trade comic books, but it's grown into a huge sci-fi and fantasy convention!. It generally has little to do with things like Twilight, and everything to do with superheroes, sci-fi, Dungeons & Dragons, etc!.

Some of the things that happen at Comic-Con are 'panels', where authors and illustrators of a graphic novel, or the cast and director and producer of a movie, or people involved in creating whatever, get together and talk about their project, then take questions from the audience!. They usually only last an hour or two, IIRC!.

This year, one of the panels involved the cast of the Twilight movie!. They all sat down in front of an audience, then talked about the movie!. At the end, they answered questions from the audience!. The Twilight panel is rather infamous among people who keep up with events like Comic-Con because it involved excessive amounts of screaming, fangirls who went to Comic-Con solely for the purpose of a single short panel, and some of the most inane or irrelevant questions ever asked a Comic-Con panel, such as 'boxers or briefs!?'!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its a convention where Twilight fans were able to talk to the people who would be in the film and ask them questions and things although not many people got to go!. I don't know when it was but it was recent which is why there is a lot on the internet about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Umm!.!.!.!. no!.

The COMIC-con is a yearly comic convention in LA, twilight stars and stephenie meyer were just there doing interveiws and stuff!.

Its not just twilight!. All comics were there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its a websiteWww@QuestionHome@Com