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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where can i find the au pairs skinny dipping for free online?

Question: Where can i find the au pairs skinny dipping for free online!?
the author of the book is melissa de la cruz!.

and if you have any reccomendations of good books it would be appreciated!. maybe you can give me a link to a really good website for reading books for free online!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If Melissa de la Cruz wants to give it away for free, it will be on her website!. Otherwise it is illegal to read it online because of copyright laws!. Authors have to make a living somehow!. Don't deal with book pirates that scan books and put them online and cheat authors of royalties!. Read them at the public library if you can't afford to buy them!.

Cory Doctorow has written a great book and he doesn't mind giving them away to kids!. Little Brother is about terrorist blowing up a bridge and the government cracks down on basic freedoms we take for granted!. Some high school kids resent the loss of their freedom and DO something about it!. Great reading in times like this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com