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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Just wrote this for hell of it. What do you think?

Question: Just wrote this for hell of it!. What do you think!?
"Congratulations on your victory Fabian!"
Fabian!. What kind of name is that!? It sounded like something out of a cheesy harlequin novel!. Yet all the girls couldn't see to get it out of their minds!. "Oh Fabian!" "Oh Fabian" Oh give me a break! He wasn't that amazing and I should be the one to know!.
I was his Personal Assistant!.!.!.minus the "istant" part which translates into Personal A$$!. Working for him was worse than any punishment they could give in a courthouse!. I would quit but it was a way to get into the lucrative business of Knighting!. I wanted to be one more than anything else!. I wanted it all!.
The fame!. The glory!. The honor!. None of which I currently had!. Fame!? Well I was infamous!.!.!.!.if that counts!. I was known as the notorious "Town Clown"!. Cool nickname!? Not really, but it seemed to be catchy to other kids in town who liked to remind me of the time when a sheep dog tried to mate with me!.
Glory!? I only had the glory of being the winner of the pie eating contest at the fair!. And honor!? Not a drop!. Honor was stripped away from me before I was born when my father was caught in a "traitorous plot" to overthrough the king!. He some time after my birth due to the fact that the whole town turned on him!. Since then I've been known as the son of a "traitor"!.
Anyways, the thing I wanted more from Knighting than anything else was the girls!. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking "Why Girls!?"!. Well if you're anything like me and you've never had a girl even look at you (excluding mothers, sisters, and other female relatives), then you probably want one!.
My first and only crush was Princess Carnella but my first encounter with her made a very bad impression!. I was with Fatty (one of my many terms for Fabian) one day when he was invited to the palace after defeating some dragon, troll, or whatever!. We were about to meet the royal family and some weird, servant lady runs to me and tells me to hold her baby while she uses the bathroom!. And I know your thinking "WTF!?" and trust me, so was I!.
So I was holding the!.!.!.!.thing and I noticed a peculiar smell!. It was the smell of rotten eggs and garlic!. I automatically assumed the baby had soiled itself so out of my sheer boyish curiosity (I was seventeen at the time), I leaned in closer to sniff it!. There was silence and I looked up to realize everyone in the room was staring at me while I had my nose inches away from this baby's ***!.
The princess was pointing a finger at me and had a disgusted look on her face!. "Answer me! I said what are you doing!?" I opened my mouth trying to get an explanation out but my words were caught because one, I was dumbfounded by her royal hotness, and two, I was caught in a bad moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually find it very amusing!. I like the tone, etc!. I would read it (probably)!. I'd have a hard time if there was a lot of language in it!. I think you get your point across without it!. Not that it is aimed at younger kids or anything, I'm 32!. I just personally don't like to read books with a lot of language!. Something about it on the written page is just worse to me than hearing it!. I might be "weird" though!.

Storyline sounds promising, character's got a unique voice and I'm interested in watching him develop!. Good start!

Have you heard of Nano!? PM me if you haven't!. You'd probably get a lot out of it and find more readers for your work, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you were really bored when you were writing this then---you should make yourself bored more often!.
This is really good!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

omfg please write more and send to me please I WANT TO KNOW MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolzWww@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, I don't feel like the style matches the theme!. Excessive cursing doesn't quite fit with a fairy tale!.

But then again, I stopped reading after seeing the (non)word "anyways"!.

also, never, ever, ever, ever! use the 'WTF' abbreviation in actual writing if you mean to be taken seriously!.

One more thing!.!.!.'through' is not the same word as 'throw'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com