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Question: Breaking Dawn help!?!?
So I just finished breaking dawn, (I had to stop reading it for a while because I was upset about everything that was happening) and I can't figure something out!.


When Aro and Nahuel were talking Aro asked when did Nahuel reach maturity!. And he answered seven years after my birth!. And then Aro askes "Have you changed since then!?"
And Nahuel says "Not that I've noticed!."

Does this mean he looks seven years old!? Or is it that he just stopped growing at the age of seven!?
If it's the second one, how old does he look!?
It's been bothering me because I want to know how Renesmee will look like!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nahuel grew at an accelerated speed like Renesmee!. The way that Nahuel (alongside his adult aunt) was described was probably an older teenager (between 17 and 19 is my guess) despite the fact that his chronological age is 150!. By the end of BD, Renesmee's growth was slowing down, but, she did still look about four years old by 2 months old!. I found it hilarious how Charlie didn't question her growth!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, actually, in the book Renesmee grow really fast so if she live for 6 yrs or so, she will be like 18- the early/late twenty's-ish!. B/c of the growth of half vampire and human they grow faster b/c of the human mix with vampire gene!. So Nathuel will be at the same age Renesemee will be in 6 or so!.
And the 2nd question, well, Stephenie Meyer didn't gave age details!. So guessing like 18 or late twentys'!.
And also, I hope this helps too with your confusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yey ! Finally you finished Breaking Dawn !

Did you like it at the end!?

And see how it would have ruined it if I told you how Renesmee develops and if she grows and stuff!? Cuz the whole complication is around that!.!.!.

And yeah that guy looks like any other vampire would!.!.!. Young and beautiful but he just grew up fast :)

So Renesmee will be beautiful and her and Jacob will be the best couple ever :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

this means that when he was seven years old he was the size of a full grown adult!. he would look as old as a boy who just stopped growing and is fully matured!. renesmee will look like a full grown women at the age of seven but will act the age she looks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In seven years Nahuel reached the age of maturity!. No it doesn't mean he looks like a seven year old, it means he got to the end of puberty by then!. So he probably looks like a twenty year old or something!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

He grew to adulthood!. He's a young adult, much like Carlisle!. Renesmee won't look seven, she's growning much to fast!. She was huge as a newborn even!. She'll be a normal (well, as normal as a half-vampire girl can get) young adult!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Half-Vampire, Half-Human children grow faster than normal toddlers so, by the time they are seven they look about 16-25 years!.

It's sad that you were upset about Breaking Dawn in some parts, I loved it!

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He reached full maturity at age seven; he grows faster than a normal toddler!. So, when he was seven he probably looked like he was 18-30; somewhere in there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com