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Question: What is The Odyssey all about!?
Hi, I'm going to be a freshman and I'm going trying to read the odyssey by homer and usually I can read like a book a day, but this is taking me weeks, can anyone explain to me some of the exciting points of the book so I will be more interested in finishing it!? Thanks:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look for the four chapters where Odysseus talks about his voyage to the king of!.!.!.whatever island it is he washes up on!. It's probably chapters 6-10, or around there!. Those you should know well!. Those are the events that everyone knows!.!.!.the cyclops, the lotus eaters, Circe, etc!.

The rest, you can read summaries of!. The book does open a little oddly!.!.!.it starts with Telemachus, son of Odysseus, wondering what happened to his father, who's been gone for 10 years!. He meets a disguised Athene, and talks to some old heroes of the trojan war!.!.!.it's pretty boring!. Then we jump to Odysseus on calypso's island, Calypso is told to let Odysseus go, he builds a raft, washes up on another island!. He is brought to the king, to whom he tells his adventures!. Then he is dropped off at his home on Ithaca!.!.!.and you can find out the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you don't enjoy ancient poetry then I think you will find this a drag!. It's not an easy book to summarise!. also, Homer didn't really try to put in exciting bits like a hollywood screen writer does!.

The bones of it are this!. Odysseus is a clever greek who is royally messed around by the Gods while trying to get home from the Trojan wars to his wife and son, who are having a hard time convincing everybody that Odysseus is not dead!. Women were not exactly liberated in ancient Greece so every eligible bachelor for miles around has descended on Odysseus' house to try to marry his wife, so that they can claim his property!.

After many adventures Odysseus gets home, his dog dies and, upset by the behaviour of the men trying to marry his wife, Odysseus and his family murder the lot of them!. Then they murder their maids!. So it ends in a bloodbath!.

Oh, and the dawn always rises "fresh and rosy fingered"!.

I do believe that it's an epic poem by Homer (not from the simpsons)!. It starts when the the protagonist Oddysseus leaves home for the trojan war and goes through alot of trials and tribulations on his way back home!. In the story, there are alot of myths and legends of greek mythology that are elaborated upon, for example: the fight with the cyclops!. I vaguely remember this story from my first year of college!.
It is a really boring read in my opinion, try reading it out loud to yourself to make it sound more interesting!. If you smoke herb, that will help as well!. Sorry if this reply is completely useless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you go to any library, and go to the kids section, there are numerous kids adaptations!. If you read one of those (if you can read a book in a day, it would only take you, say, an hour) then you'll have a feel for the book and ideas, and not hear it second-hand off yahoo by someone whose probably just copied it off wikipedia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually loved the Odyssey!.!.!. it took me forever to read it, though!.
Some interesting points of it!? Well, there's the cyclops, the witch, the sirens!.!.!. Every chapter has something interesting!. It's just a little hard to figure out what's going on at first!. I suggest looking through spark notes after you read a few chapters, just to make sure you didn't miss anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well fundamentally it is a epic poem!. There is a nice little soap opera kinda snippet at the end within the family and there is also the plot element of *spoiler* the wife/mother penelope being forced to marry but she evades this problem in a clever way!. I could go on but while I appreciate the historical value I kinda despise the book but I think you should finish the book to garner your own opinion!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch the movie "O' Brother where art thou!?" It is loosely based on the book and funny as hell!.
It will at least get you looking for the parallels between the movie and the book and make reading it a little less boring!.

I think the simpsons also had an odyssey episode!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are a few study guides that may help you in your work with The Odyssey!.


Check the overview on Wiki!. Basically, the Trojan War ends, and Odysseus sails for home, but he takes ten years and has all the amazing encounters that are in the story!. There are moral tales and such in all of the stories, and it reflects Greek culture and thinking at the time!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Been a while since I read it, a few years!.!.!. seventh grade!.!.!. And here's what I can remember!.

Odysseus goes to return to his homeland from a war, and the god of the sea torments him!. On the way home, he meets a cyclops, storms, sirens, and a goddess that is in love with him!.

Just read it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Exciting points:

Odysseus defeating the Cyclops!.

Argos the dog dying the day his master returns home!.

The lotus land!.

The sirens Circe and Calypso!.

Good luck! Www@QuestionHome@Com

i never read that book but i can say that there are mythological gods with awesome powers that can throw lightning bolts or turn people to stone!. that gets me interested!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Greek mythology and a hero's journey

help with my QS


Oh I read stories about that in greek school its an expedtion with this greek philosophers!. I mean im greek and its boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

greek mythology really isn't all that interesting!.!.!.sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com


u could look it up on google or wiki that always helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is the story of a journey!. Get a Cliff's Notes aid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com