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Question: The Iliad by Homer!? !?
My question is what are some external and internal conflicts in this book

I know Hector's pride and facing Achilles would be one central conflict, but I keep doubting myself for more than an hour!. Other than that I could not find anymore

Could anyone help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Spoilers ahead!.

Achilles's wrath is the main interna/external conflict in the story!. It's the situation that since Achilles can't control his temper, why half the things that happened in the story, well, obviously happened!. Then there's Paris, who had to choose between lust and love for Helen, which developed to let her go, or take her with him!. We all know how that turned out to be!. Then there's Priam, his inner conflict with sending his son off to fought with the greatest warrior to walk the earth!. Then, alongside Hector's pride to kill Achilles, Achilles reluctance to go after Hector since it really doesn't make much sense for him!. Then Patroclus, and Achille's promise to his lover when he dies, and him fulfilling the promise, and getting not even an ounce of peace in return!.

These, are the main conflicts inthe story, others are subs!. just remember that Achilles wrath and Hector's pride are THE most important!. It's because of these two things, the story progresses, ends, and lives through a few more sequels!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Greeks Vs!. Trojans

Paris's reluctance to go into battle

There's two examples for you, but there's many, many more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com