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Question: I need a good ending to my story!?
I am writing a story on Quizilla about ninja who live in a world with regular humans who want to kill them!. (It's based off of Naruto) The main character and the Sasuke kid are in love, so I need a good ending where they end up together, but I was also thinking of something where the ninjas and humans would somehow end up getting along in the end!. Does anyone have any ideas for me!? I've been stuck the past 6 days!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i don't think that you should make the ninja and humans get along, but the two should still end up together!. how about you make it so all of the humans somehow gang up on the ninja, which leads to endangering the girl!. obviously, he'll triumph, and somehow rescue the girl!. like she ended up in the line of a bullet or sword, or she's caught on something and hanging off a cliff!. after, they could run away together, and she could learn how to be a ninja!.

so that's my idea!. i've never watched naruto, haha but i hope something like this helps!. good luck !.:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you use someone else's idea, your story is a collaborative effort and you should give this person proper credit!. I suggest you think a little bit more so you can call the story your own! You may have an inspired thought a week or a month from now, you never know!. Be patient!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i watch alot of naruto and u could put it this way this dragon was gonna destroy the world but the main charcter killed it then everybody started to like him!.

and plz answer my question http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have some accident and kill the main character!. Not many writers do it (even J!.K Rowling didn't kill off Harry Potter, would've been a better ending) Anways its a bold move and would be unexpected!. Www@QuestionHome@Com