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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need books.NO TWILIGHT. AT ALL!?

Question: I need books!.NO TWILIGHT!. AT ALL!!?
i'm a teen!. i like fantasy!.i don't like romance, except in tiny does,and when it is secondary to the main plot!. please give me some suggestions!.
if it helps, im between the ages of 14-17
i repeat, i like fantasy, i hate romance!. i definetly hate twilight!. and yes, i've read it!. i still hate it!.
i'v read tamora peirce, erin hunter, bruce covill, meg cabot( didn't like her quite as much as the others) robin mickinley, brandon mull andmany popular teen fantasy authors!. i'm looking for lesser known books!. can you help!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you have to try 'Mirror Dreams' and 'Mirror Wakes' by Catherine Webb!
def got the whole good v evil thing going,
romance appears but maybe in about 2 chapters, its really not the point of the storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

THE HOST!!!!! Its by Stephenie meyer (who also wrote the twilight series) i can't really explain what its about but it is awsume!. Its on a whole different level than twilight though, and better in some ways!. You can go on www!.stepheniemeyer!.com and go to the host page to read about it!. IT IS AN AWSUME BOOK AND I HIGHLY RECOMEND IT!!!!

The beginning can be a little bit confusing but you just kinda got to live with it and keep reading until it gets EXTREMLY AWSUME!!!!!!! Like a few chapters in once you catch on its really good!. There is a really great twist of romance and adventure! I would say you would like it because there is (in my opinion) more adventure than romance!.


The Host by Stephenie Meyer ` I know you said you hated Twilight but tis is nothing like it!. Some of the charactors have relationships, but it's nothing too big and is just there on the side!. There's lots of action!.

Maximum Ride series - James Patterson (Lighter Reading, still great)

Mortal Instruments Trilogy- Cassandra Clare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Warrior Heir ~ Cinda Williams Chima
Sorry romance beginning and end!. It's still really really good!.

The Lighning Theif ~ Rick RiordanWww@QuestionHome@Com

try The Oracle Prophecies !.!.!.start with The Oracle Betrayed!.!.!. (sorry, i dont remember the names of the rest of the books in the series!.!.!.)

Need Books!? TRY THE LIBRARY!.!.!. No seariously ask the local librarian he/she should be able to help you alot Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dean Koontz has a wonderful series about a man named Odd Thomas!. You should check it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well there's Bloodline by Kate Cary

Bloodline takes place during the early years of World War I!. Nineteen-year-old John Shaw returns from the trenches of the war, haunted by the battles he witnessed, but also of the memories of Quincey Harker (the son of Jonathan Harker and Mina Murray from the original novel), his regiment commander whose ferocity and cruelty knows no limits!.

Upon returning, it is most unfortunate that his first days are spent in a clinic, as he was injured in the trenches!. A young Miss Mary Seward tends to him, having recognized him as a schoolgirl crush she had harbored from some past event not entirely known to the readers!.

While John's illness leaves him completely oblivious to Mary Seward's identity, and just about everything else around him, he remains delusional, his mind still in the trenches while his body was, indeed, back in England!.

After John's illness seems to pass, Harker soon follows, returning to England where he meets and seduces John's sister, Miss Lily Shaw!. Mary and John also begin to grow feelings for each other and spend a lot of time together!. Having witnessed the indifference that the commander possesses, John feels obligated to stop him and protect his younger sister from the dark audacity of the allegedly hostile Quincey Harker he had come to know!. Mary, who read John's journal while he was sick (searching for a way to cure him), also uncovers Harker's dark secrets and wants to help John!.

With the aid of Mary, they travel to Transylvania in an attempt to stop Hark after learning that he has swept her away to get married!. Lily is still oblivious to the danger that Harker poses and has fallen in love with the vampire who is descended from Count Dracula himself!

(And don't worry about romance in this book, yes it's mentioned, but it's not totally focused on!. It's a VERY good book, and so is the sequel)
