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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I've heard there are only about twelve things that people write about, what

Question: I've heard there are only about twelve things that people write about, what are they!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are you sure you don't mean the fact that there are supposedly only seven basic plots in fiction!?

OVERCOMING THE MONSTER: A terrifying, all-powerful, life-threatening monster whom the hero must confront in a fight to the death!. An example of this plot is seen in Beowulf, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Dracula!.

RAGS TO RICHES: Someone who has seemed to the world quite commonplace is shown to have been hiding a second, more exceptional self within!. Think the ugly duckling, Jane Eyre and Clark Kent!.

THE QUEST: From the moment the hero learns of the priceless goal, he sets out on a hazardous journey to reach it!. Examples are seen in The Odyssey, The Aeneid, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Raiders of the Lost Ark!.

VOYAGE AND RETURN: The hero or heroine and a few companions travel out of the familiar surroundings into another world completely cut off from the first!. While it is at first marvellous, there is a sense of increasing peril!. After a dramatic escape, they return to the familiar world where they began!. Alice in Wonderland and The Time Machine are obvious examples; but Brideshead Revisited and Gone with the Wind also embody this basic plotline!.

COMEDY: Following a general chaos of misunderstanding, the characters tie themselves and each other into a knot that seems almost unbearable; however, to universal relief, everyone and everything gets sorted out, bringing about the happy ending!. Shakespeare’s comedies come to mind, as do Jane Austen’s perfect novels!.

TRAGEDY: A character through some flaw or lack of self-understanding is increasingly drawn into a fatal course of action which leads inexorably to disaster!. King Lear, Madame Bovary, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Bonnie and Clyde—all flagrantly tragic!.

REBIRTH There is a mounting sense of threat as a dark force approaches the hero until it emerges completely, holding the hero in its deadly grip!. Only after a time, when it seems that the dark force has triumphed, does the reversal take place!. The hero is redeemed, usually through the life-giving power of love!. Many fairy tales take this shape; also, works like Silas Marner and It’s a Wonderful Life!.

I'm starting to believe it as I realise my novel fits very nicely into number seven!.!.!. :-/

i know some of them are:
Real Life
Historical Fiction (i could've happened!.!.!. maybe)


that's ridiculous!. people can write about anything and everything!.!.!.go to a library, you'll find books on more than 12 topicsWww@QuestionHome@Com

She means twelve basic stories which all books are a variation of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are more than twelve!. Really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

one of them is definetly mean cliques, Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think she means twelve topics

but i don't know Www@QuestionHome@Com