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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Jk Rowling Said there were clues in harrypooter 3 movie about th what will happe

Question: Jk Rowling Said there were clues in harrypooter 3 movie about th what will happen in the next book!.!?
And she said u will know what they are after u read the next book, but ive seen the movie again and i still cant figure it out!. Does anyone knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the movie, I think the biggest one is when Snape puts himself in front of the trio to protect them from Lupin when he's a werewolf!. It showed he actually was a good guy and wanted to protect Harry (both of which Harry always had a hard time believing until Deathly Hallows)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay there are clues in ALL of her books
If you open up your 5th Harry Potter book ( Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoinex) and turn to Chapter 2 Peck of Owls and turn to page 32 Aunt Petunia mentions Askaban
"what are the ruddy hell are dementors!?"
"they guard the wizard prison Azkaban"
"how do you know that!?" he asked atonished
"I heard-that alwful boy- telling HER about them-years ago!.
Remember in Snapes memory when Petunia was spying on Lily and Snape and he was telling her about the dementors!? (Book 7)

then if you turn to Chapter 6 The Noble and most Ancient House of Black Page 116
;also a heavy LOCKET that none of them could open!.!.


JK Rowling is a genius :D and my favorite author :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ron and Hermione grabbing hands!? =P
I've no idea, but I find out (I'm going to watch the movie again as soon as possible) I shall tell you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com