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Question: Can't remember the title or the auther of this book!!?
I read a book back in middle school and I can't remember the title or anything! I remember it was about a high school girl who has this boyfriend, i distinctly remember his name was Art, and she got pregnant, he denied the baby blah blah, babys name was Rosemary!.!.!.!.anyone know the title!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Detour for Emmy" by Marilyn Reynolds
"Emmy's carefree days are enlivened by friends, time at the beach, anticipation of the new school year, and dreams of college!. Longing for the affection and understanding that she doesn't get at home, Emmy is propelled into the arms of overachiever, chorus star, and school hero Arturo!. Art promises that he will never hurt her, and their sexual relationship proceeds idyllically and explicitly, complete with birth control!. One night, they make love without protection; as a result, Emmy finds herself on a detour from carefully laid academic plans to the road of teen pregnancy and single motherhood!. The hardship, tedium, and responsibility of parenting and the pain of deferred dreams provide a strong, if sometimes didactic, message to sexually active YAs!. The story is predictable, but compelling!. Unfortunately, one-dimensional characters, tiresome language, loose plotting, and a weak ending detract from the book!. Berlie Doherty's Dear Nobody (Orchard, 1992) confronts many of the same issues with more subtlety, finer writing, and fully fleshed-out, thoughtful characters!. But most teenagers know or will meet an Emmy and will fervently hope not to be diverted by similar obstacles on the road to growing"Www@QuestionHome@Com