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Position:Home>Books & Authors> "Francis & The Tea Set" children's book?

Question: "Francis & The Tea Set" children's book!?
Have you ever heard of this children's book or do you know the author!? If you know where I can get it, even better!

It has a pink cover, the characters are raccoons or hedgehogs, think it was printed in the late 80s or early 90s!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that the book you are look for in A bargain for Frances by Russell Hoban!. Here is a description for the publisher ( HarperCollins)
Frances and Thelma are friends -- most of the time
Thelma always seems to get Frances into trouble!. When she tricks Frances into buying her tea set, it's the last straw!. Can Frances show her that it's better to lose a bargain than lose a friend!?

link to a picture - http://www!.harpercollins!.com/books/97800!.!.!.

I have this book!. It is called 'A bargain for Francis' and is written by Russell Hoban!.Www@QuestionHome@Com