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Knock! Knock! Knock! Ernesto knocked on the door of Alaina's house!. "Come in!" Alaina yelled!. "Hi, you ready!?" Ernesto asked, coming in!. "Yes," Alaina said, letting her robe fall off!. Ernesto eyed her head to toe!. "Wow,"He said, getting undressed quickly!. Alaina fell on the bed and Ernesto got on top of her!. She pulled the cover over them and the sex of the future began!.
A lot of stuff happened under that cover!. Alaina moaned loudly as Ernesto started working his way into her!. Once he was good and comfortable, he moved his hips really fast and pushed really hard!. Alaina cried out in pain!. He smiled!. He pushed harder and harder untill Alaina could barely stand it!. She cried so loud as her gave a very hard push!. "You okay!?" Ernesto asked!. "Yes,"Alaina said, panting!. Ernesto was about to plant his seed in her!. She could feel it!.
Alaina decided to flip him over and show him some action!. She moved up and down, moving her hips slightly!. He leaned his head back and moaned!. Alaina kissed, licked, ang bit his bare skin!. "Wow, you're good," Hee moaned!. Alaina smiled!. Ernesto flipped her over and planted his seed, making her um private thing bleed a little!. And then he rolled off of her and they both fell asleep

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
lol!. It was funny!. BUt to be honest poorly written!. SO I will give this story a 4-10!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's hilarious how you can go into so much detail about this couple bucking and moaning, but when it comes to mentioning a body part, you have to say "um private thing!."

Putting that aside, this story is inappropriate for Y!A, and it's poorly written!. Take it somewhere else, kid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow, you sex obsessed freak! But since its poorly written Ill give you a 4 out of 10
answer mine plz

Badly written!. Kind of makes me think of child abuse if a 12 year old knows all the details of this kind of stuff!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

what the ****!? u horny man!Www@QuestionHome@Com