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Question: I want to publish my poetry!?
where can i find a publisher or someone to help my edit and publish my poetry!? i live in the dallas area so i need somewhere around here!.
help please!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Two literary agencies to consider are:
Ann Tobias: A Literary Agency for Children's Books
Lazear Agency Group, Inc!.

Both are reputable agencies that might help you secure a publisher!. Ann Tobias' address for submissions is:
520 East 84th Street
Apt!. 4L
New York, NY 10028

Send Ms!. Tobias a one-page query letter and a one-page sample of your best work (all double-spaced)!. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (or SASE) if you want a response a few months later!.

The Lazear Agency's mailing address is:
431 Second St!.
Suite 300
Hudson, WI 54016

The preferred contact for this agency is The Editorial Board!.
Submit with SASE and include a proposal, synopsis, and your author biography!. They respond in a few weeks!.

Good luck, but know that the bigger market is in fiction novels!.



You really don't need anyone in your area unless you are firm on that part!. Get a copy of Writer's Market for the current year and look up literary agents and those who accept poetry!. It's really hard these days to get poetry published, but it's worth a try!.

You'll need to write a query letter to whomever you choose and let them know what you have!. Remember to add a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) for them to send back to you!.

Good luck!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com