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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How does the book 1984 relate to your life?

Question: How does the book 1984 relate to your life!?
I understand that it explains how the media and the goverment twist information to create fear but, that really isn't affecting my everyday life directly!.!.!.

Basically, I need 3 examples

I already have a couple but its just brain storming

I've come up with!.!.!.

1!. It's hard to have my own diary/journal in my house because im afraid of my parents reading it!. And then getting in trouble for my thoughts and feelings!.

2!.) how its sometimes impossible to talk about your beliefs without them being rejected just because they're different than the majority of people's beliefs

3!.) How people can be afraid to stand up for what's right

Any thoughts of anything better!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, if you think about it, as a teenager the majority of our families wanna create a pretty much tyrannical system of control over our lives so they can "protect" us, just like Big Brother wants to!. And we're supposed to "love" them, like the citizens of Oceania are supposed to love Big Brother!. Even the name kind of indicates that -- like, they're family!. Parents will repress you sexually, limit where you can go and when, and monitor the things you are exposed to!. If you do wrong, you are punished!. Of course, it's not QUITE the same thing, but it's a pretty close analogy!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe you could say you feel like your parents always want to know what you're doing and who you hang out with, just like Big Brother and the party always know what Winston is doing!.
also, sometimes the government lies or doesn't tell our country something because they think it's either in our best interest or they are just selfish, just like the party tells the people what they want them to know and they always manipulate the truth!.
These are just some ideas!. hope they help =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

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