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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is advanced copies? Specifically in the Twilight series? ?

Question: What is advanced copies!? Specifically in the Twilight series!? !?
Well i was on Stephenie Meyer's website and the mentioned it here and there!. What is it!?!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Advance copies (of any title, not just Twilight) are released to a small number of people (usually reviewers, such as the New York Times Book Review) in order to drum up support before the book is released by getting reviews out there!. Galleys and advanced copies are often sent to reviewers and big name authors in order to get quotes (how do you think they get those quotes that they put on the book jacket!?) to use in advertising!.

Big release books (like Harry Potter 7 and Breaking Dawn) usually *don't* give out advance copies for fear of a leak and because, frankly, they don't need the extra publicity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means a copy of the book out before it's actually released!. Certain people get to read them, like authors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com