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Question: Pride And Prejudice Book Question =]!?
So I recorded the movie Pride and Prejudice (the one with Keira Knightly) in it but the problem is that i haven't read the book yet!. So my question is should i wait to get the book, or since i'm really bored should i watch the movie now!? I usually don't like to watch the movie before the book but just wondering if for this particular book it makes a significant difference!
thanks! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I'd watch the movie first!. Austen's dialog sometimes takes some practice to follow, but hearing it is easier than reading it!. Then once you know what's happening, and have some practice at following Regency era dialog, read the book!.

Just be careful that you notice the things in the movie that are wrong!.!.!.like Catherine de Bough's visit takes place in the dead of night in the movie, which is unthinkable!. In the book, it happens in the day!.

The Colin Firth BBC miniseries is far closer to the text, but it is much longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's my theory: You are probably going to watch the movie a lot more often than you read the book, correct!? Well, since that's the case I think that it might be better to watch the movie first and thoroughly enjoy it (rather than having to think the entire way through "Oh, it didn't happen just that way", or "They could have done that scene better")!. Then, once you've thoroughly enjoyed the movie you can move on to thoroughly enjoy the book, getting all the behind-the-scenes extra detail!. Then when you watch the movie again you'll remember what it was like the first time you saw it, happy and flawless!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually I like to read the book first, but I actually did watch 'Pride and Prejudice' the movie before I read the book, and it worked out fine for me!. Watching the movie first would probably even help you follow the plot better!. But get the Colin Firth version; I liked it better than the Kiera Knightly one!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch the movie first!. It will help you understand the book better because Jane Austen's writing can be a little hard to interpret sometimes!. Plus you won't be spoiled too much because the movie doesn't have every little thing that happens in the book!.

p!.s!. I love Pride and Prejudice!. I'm actually reading it right now and I watched the movie and the 1996 tv series while I was reading it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a good book but kind of hard to follow!. watch the movie first to get a general idea of what its about!. the book and the movie are really similar!. they do a really good job of keeping to the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com