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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know any good contemporary British literature?

Question: Does anyone know any good contemporary British literature!?
I have a summer reading project to do and we get to pick a choice book to read!. I went to Barnes & Noble and the man picked out a book for me and i hate it!. I've been searching all over for a good read and I can't seem to find one!. It has to be a minimum of 200 pages (preferably, not much more than 200) and it can't be Harry Potter, Brave New World, Heart of Darkness, Picture of Dorian Gray, 1984, Animal Farm, Portrait of the Artist, Hitchhikers Guide, A Clockwork Orange, Animal Farm and no mysteries such as Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes!.

I'm looking for something juicy and exciting, nothing boring and textbook-esque!. If you know of any exciting romance novels, please let me know ASAP!. I had to read two other boring books this summer, so I'm looking for a good read!. Thanks! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Golden Compass by Pullman
Dark is Rising by Cooper
Midnight for Charlie Bone by Nimmo
Redwall by Jaques

Okay okay I'm being a bit obnoxious 3 of the 4 books above were kids books!. Hum!.!.!.

Possible Authors (sorry there aren't any romances listed)
Philippa Gregory (Other Boleyn Girl)
Jeffrey Archer (trillers)
Peter Dickinson (if you like fantasy I suggest Ropemaker)
Nicholas Evens (The Horse Whisperer)
Ian Fleming (James Bond)
Neil Gaiman (fantasy, try Anansi Boys)
Terry Pratchett (fantasy, for a laugh try Going Postal)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus Trilogy)
by Jonathan Stroud

Nathaniel is a young magician with only one thing on his mind: revenge!.

As an apprentice to the great magician Underwood, Nathaniel is gradually being schooled in the traditional art of magic!. All is well until he has a life-changing encounter with Simon Lovelace, a rising, star magician!. When Simon brutally humiliates Nathaniel in front of everyone he knows, Nathaniel decides to speed up his magical education, teaching himself spells way beyond his years!. Eventually, he masters one of the most difficult spells of all: summoning the all-powerful djinni, Bartimeus!.

But summoning Bartimeus and controlling him are two very different things--and Nathaniel may be in way over his head!.

(Too bad you cannot read the Hitchhiker's Guide - great book!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Atonement by Ian McEwan - fantastic story and beautifully written, a modern classic!. Love,betrayal, redemption - all the good stuff!.

You might also want to try Captainn Corelli's Mandolin by Louis De Bernier!. It will make your heart explode!.

Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Far from the madding crowd (Thomas hardy)Www@QuestionHome@Com

James Bond!?Www@QuestionHome@Com