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Question: Some ideas for my novel! Please answer!!?
Okay I already wrote a chapter1 and prologue but chapter1 is getting more details!. I want it a fantasy, historical fiction, drama, romance novel!.So far the novel is about a girl that is a danger and this boy who has the same secret as the girl!. The boy hides the secret from the people who want to murder the girl!. What can be some powers the boy and the girl have and how do they get to the place to use there powers and should the whole family die!? I don't want this to sound like a Libba Bray book!. Oh and I am 13 years old so this novel will hopefully be published when I am 18 years old in 5 yrs so maybe this book will be trying to be published on November11,2013!. also can anyone tell me about publishing etc!. here is my prologue!. Prologue!.
Their eyes burned into my face, my back as I walked the thin rope of life!. As I kept walking the clammy air hit my face!. It was too late to turn back and run from this fear!. Torture or gallows waited for me, and both meant death!. As I walked on, his words echoed in my head “Elizabeth, take this- it's a key and a letter!. It must be delivered to Victoria Wilson!. This is a manner of life or death!” Suddenly, the sweet darkness consumed me, and there was no more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, to start with there is far too much going off at one time, you need to focus on exactly WHAT genre this fits into, and concerntrate on that, bringing the other aspects in with it!. from what have said so far, i have no idea what the story is about, so perhaps start by writing a synopsis so that you can be clear what you are writing about!. You need a structure, a beginning, a middle and an ending, and these need to be clearly defined!. write a plot plan, (a sort of bullet point breakdown of what happens in each chapter of the book, and how the main character is affected, and what happpens to them)

I know you are young, so dont take it too seriously, there are thousands of books written every year, and not all of them get published, half of them probably never do!. If you write it for yourself rather than to be published, it will be far more rewarding in the long run to know that you have acheived something!.

good luck with it and dont try and do too much at once!. avoid purple prose, which is being over descriptive, e!.g "and when i looked longingly into the blue sapphire pools of her eyes, my pounding heart beat at my chest with such ferocity that my rib cage ached with the desire to hold her in my arms !.!.!.!. " etc!. read back on your prologue and de clutter it and it will be so much better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so your writing a book at 13 and expect it to be published!? yeah yeah when your 18 but still!. alot of people think its easy to get a book published and well its not!. it has to be something that will sell!. something that the publisher will make money on!.

fantasy is the hardest genre to write!. you have to make it mystical but believable!.

and seriously!?!!? your asking people what you should write about for YOUR OWN NOVEL!!? that means you probley shouldn't be thinking about getting it published!.


I think the word Face and Death is over used!. also its a bit over dramatic!. I am not a big fan of over the top drama!. Elizabeth is the most over used Heroine name of all time also!.

Victoria Wilson is an awesome name!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL! (Sorry to laugh, but really!!?!)

You want us to give you ideas for your book that you have a timeline to publish but cannot write yourself!.

Dude! The author comes up with the ideas! The ideas are the book!

You don't know how silly that sounds!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yeah, I like this one! Although air isn't clammy, maybe- the sticky/humid air!?Www@QuestionHome@Com
