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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is "The Host" (by Stephenie Meyer) worth it to buy???

Question: Is "The Host" (by Stephenie Meyer) worth it to buy!?!?!?
Hey guys!

I would like to buy "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer and I want to ask you if it′s worth it!.
Is it better than "Twilight"!?!?!?
Please answer!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's not better than Twilight, because the actual sci-fi part is not as interesting and believable as the vampire lore!. The characters are not also that distinct and lovable!. The world is recognizable, but not believable!. Still, the story in the world becomes really good!. The relationships, conflicts, pain, etc!. are really well written so worth reading!. So, I'd definitely recommend you to read it, but I don't THINK it's worth BUYING!. Just check it out from a library!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really liked it!
if u really liked twilight u will really like it
i recommended it to all my twilight loving fans and they all love it!.!.!. even though a few said it took a while to get into it
it prob isn't better than twilight but i still would rate it highlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think so!.i didn't buy it either!.it doesn't look that interesting,based on the summary at the back of the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host!? It's not better than Twilight, but it's better than Breaking Dawn!.

No, it is not worth it!.

