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Question: Books: To Kill A Mockingbird and Anthem!?
I'm not totally asking for answers here but I just want something cleared!. You have to had read these books!

So!.!.!.I read those two books and I was wondering how you would discuss, synthesize, compare and contrast the discrimination of the characters in the novels or specific elements of the societies in the novels!. And what do they teach us about humankind!?

I don't know how you can help me without giving me answers!. i'm not asking you TO give me answers!. i just want some explanation of how i can start these questions and what i could come up with!. i'm not doing this for fun!. it's for school!.


*i really didn't know what category to put this question in --- Books & Authors or *Homework HelpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have not read Anthem, but as an English teacher, I would suggest identifying a common theme in both books and starting from there!. If it's discrimination then ask yourself how is it the same or different!? It is often difficult to describe very specific parallels from two very different novels!. Character alienation may be another entry point for comparison since it is often the result of discrimination!.

Cheers!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read both books but I think you cannot compare the two!. They have a different genre!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have read both books, and i can't really think how they would be similar to compare them :] sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com