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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Jacob black fans how do you feel about breaking dawn?? caution: **spoilers**?

Question: Jacob black fans how do you feel about breaking dawn!?!? caution: **spoilers**!?
i loved the book and thought it was the perfect ending and everything, but i don't know many team jacob people!. so how do feel about jacob imprinting!? do you still think he should be with bella!? do you think should have been with bella!? just curious!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've always, ALWAYS, been a Jacob fan!. Bella and Jacob seemed like the perfect match to me, they fit like two pieces of the puzzle!. But then in Breaking Dawn I thought Leah and Jacob were going to end up together for a while!. Then he imprinted!.
How do I feel!?
Well, while I still wish Bell and Jacob got together I'm glad he's happy!. I'm also glad he still gets to be Bella's best friend!. They get to see each other all the time!. also Stephenie Meyer said that as long as Jacob keeps shifting into wolf form he will not age so, like Bella and Edward, he will remain immortal with Renesmee!. So I was glad about that!.
I wish he didn't imprint on her but since I can't change that I accept it, it isn't bad!. I just didn't see it coming!. So I'm not thrilled but I don't mind at all, it was Sm's perfect ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hated his ending!. ANY ending would have been better!. And yeah, I was really rooting for Jacob!. I kind of wanted him to end up with Bella cuz they just click together!. Their relationship is more complex and realistic!. Bella would have been happier with him and they would have made more babies, a happy family!. Renesmee is boring!.
*sighs* Oh well!.!.!.I'm just glad he's happy!. Bella doesn't deserve him anyway!. Bella and Edward BOTH are MEAN, insensitive jerks who hurt Jake again and again!.
If only the were no monsters or no magic!.!.!.Ugh!.
I agree with Team Jacob!.!.!.if they ended up together instead, none of this crap would have happened!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was pissed at first!.!.!. actually pissed at bella since she got mad at him!. And yes i wish he would have ended up with bella!. I am a die hard jacob fan and I new in the end they wouldnt!.!. but im just gald he is happy thats all!. But I wish he would have never imprinted!. For one thing it destroyed his character and he is not the loving sarcastic jake i know anymore!.!.!. which makes me mad!. if he have ended up with bella none of this crap would have happened and he probaly would have never impritned!. But of course he had to imprint on her baby!. I never even thought edward could give her one!. Since vampires cant produce anyting!. Pisses me off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im team edward but i dont think jake is bad either!. hee hee :D
i feel that its good jake imprinted on nessie cuz he needed someone to be with!. bella was married for goodness sake and he still loved her, so now with a soul mate or whatever he will be happy!. i loved the ending!. i think edward was better for bella, for some reason!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was pissed about the imprinting thing!.

I mean, Bella is the woman Jacob fantasized about, held hands with, and shared a tent with!. Then Renesmee was born and suddenly there was nothing!. So basically Jacob was just in love with Bella's ovaries!.

? M ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, SM changed the story round! I mean one mintue it's 'Edward or Jacob!?' the next!.!.!.'OMG baby!'

Like WHF!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think jacob needs to get over bella -- I like jacob but hes too pushy and selfishWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think its about time that he gets over bella!. lol Www@QuestionHome@Com