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Question: Twilight/New Moon questions!?
1!. In the meadow scene why does Edward flip out after bella smells him!? and then he goes "Where were we before I behaved so rudely!?"
what was that all about!?

2!. Which line is this from!? [i think its from new moon]
edward compares bella to a meteor or something and says that when she left he was blinded and there was no reason for anything!.
what chapter+page+book is that from!?

3!. Which page/chapter/book was this!?
edward tells bella how he dealed with her absense!. he talks about how hard it was for him when she was gone


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Edward flips out because Bella was so close to him - took him by surprise and he was almost tempted at the smell of her throat!. And you know, being born in the 1900s, teenage boys then had a sense of high morals and politeness!.
2!. One of my favorite scenes too: ch!.23, pg!.514 and it is New Moon!.
3!. pg!. 514/ch23/ New Moon too!. Hopefully that's the right scene as well, but it could be early in Eclipse as well
Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. he acts all weird because he's still getting used to Bella and the smell of her neck was tempting
2!. Its from new moon when he is describing his life to Bella the stars were points to keep living and she was the meator that flashed suddenly blocking out everything but her (after italy)
3!. also from new moon after they get back from italy in Bella's bedroom before the meeting in edward's house
4!. I know there wasnt a 4 but its bugging me a bit!.!.!. these are all key points!.!.!.!. did you read the book!? not trying to be rude!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. He flipped out because her blood was too near him and he couldn't control himself and whatnot!. So he ran away so that he wouldn't hurt her!.
2!. I've no idea, except for it's from New Moon!.
3!. That's in Eclipse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Its a cliche use to try to make the dialog sound sexy
2!. Once again!.!.!.
3!. This is another over use adage and I don't know what page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can only answer number one!. It wasn't that she smelled him, but that she moved when he wasn't expecting it and he was tempted to drink her blood/kill her!.

1!. he didn't think he could stay under control having her so close!.
2!. New Moon!. after he returns to her after *leaving* her!.
3!. New Moon!. and I'm not sure!.

im sorry, but i have to agree with i_am_switzerland!. these were major parts of the books!.!. i guess you weren't paying much attention!?Www@QuestionHome@Com