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Question: Help with Jane Austen (her views)!?!?!?
I need to do a write up on her and need to talk about her attitudes and concerns!. What are her concerns and attitudes!?!? I know she has some views on marriage (marrying for money as opposed to love)!. Is there anything that she was against or something she felt strongly about!. I have looked everywhere but all I get is a biography of her life!. hint* Websites are helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know of any biography of her life; I think all of her diaries were burned by her sister!. But looking at her stories, I would say she thought manners were ridiculous because in Pride and Prejudice, her main character Elizabeth forgets about her manners a few times and is very rude, but only to people who deserve it, and the main catch of the story Darcy is very rude at times, yet Elizabeth is lucky to end up with him at the end, so apparently Miss Austen didn't think manners were important in a good husband!. To have a good, successful marriage, only marry for love and the couple has to see the world the same way and see each other as equals!. And above all, love conquers all!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn’t go as far as saying she was an out and out feminist but she certainly was very scathing of women who were not intelligent or capable!.

Think about her female main characters, all were strong personalities, most were quite intelligent (or grew to be) while the female characters around them who were not so she was often very hard on!.

also she was not particularly fond of the Prince Regent, she was asked to dedicate Emma to him but was not at all pleased about it!.