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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need your support guys, I want you to give critics on the topics I wrote. ?

Question: I need your support guys, I want you to give critics on the topics I wrote!. !?
Here are the following websites of the topics!. Thank you!.!.!. It is for the improvement of my skills in writing!.


1!. Battlefied of the Mind: Winning The Battle In Your Mind - Reflection


2!. Survivor's Practical Guide of Breaking Chains of Abuse -


3!. Healing For Damaged Emotions - A Book Review


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi Kathy,
I really focused on the thoughts more than on the grammar, etc!. If you want me to look again for the grammar and usage, let me know!. But I enjoyed reading them so much!.

I was thinking of you this morning and saying, "Hmmm!.!.!.!. I wonder how Kathy is getting along!." Then when I checked my mail, there was your note! Isn't that wild!?

I sent you an email inviting you to one of my favorite sites!. I think your book reviews would also be appreciated there!.
