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Question: Writers Block any ideas!?
I feel like writing has become a task that has to be done rather than enjoying doing it!. Everytime I go to write, I end up doing something else on the internet like reading!.!.im 80000 words into one non-fiction book, have collected resources for another and have two outstanding magazine articles than remain unfinished- any ideas to remotivate me!. I have one article that has been published this month that has had very good feedback- I need a last push attempt to get the book with 80,000 words in it finished, (Ive started to feel like i cant write anything else till I have it finished) I know what i need to write to conclude it but I just feel anxious in concluding it, incase what i have said is not enough or not correct !.!.can anyone explain these feelings thank you for your timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would try to remind yourself why you started writing about the topic(s) in the first place!. what was so interesting to you, why did you feel the need to share that information with other people!.

maybe you could just try some creative writing!.
write down different characters on a pieces of paper to draw from a hat!. and also write settings, or a group of events to draw from a different hat!. you might end up writing about a groundhog that swims in the 2032 olympics!. :D

you might just need a break!. plan a weekend trip camping, or in the city!. or go to an amusement park!. or have a night out with your funniest friends!. anything to get your mind of your anxiety and then when you go home maybe your mind will be more open and you'll be able to write!.


I suppose it might be a bit different since I write fantasy and horror novels, but I get that a lot, too - I'll sometimes start to feel like I've just lost the ability to write and will never write again!. It always goes away eventually, though, and sometimes I end up writing even better afterwards!. Movies, other books, and especially music usually help me, but I guess again that might not work so well for a non-fiction writer!. Sorry I can't help much more!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com