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Question: Who wants to answer a random twilight question!?
So uhm!.!.!.My little sister made me read these books and I have only one question!.!.!. Did Bella actually cry to get sex or was that not her intentions!.!.!.Because that's what it seemed like she was doing!. I hope I don't piss of some hardcore fans out there but Im honestly curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!.!.!.!.she did!. She is selfish, and will do anything to get what she wants!. Instead of respecting Edward's wishes to wait till she was changed to have sex, she keeps pushing him, and finally cries so she can get what she wants!.

I think she was really crying because she was having a dream that they were having sex, and she woke up from the dream so she was crying because she woke up!. But really, she was crying to get sex!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

You gotta remember that she couldn't control her emotions!. She was pregnant with Renesmee at the time, and pregnancy makes your hormones go way outta wack!. She couldn't control herself, and when she finds out she's pregnant, she lists all of the things that could have told her that she was pregnant, such as the morning sickness, the crying, all the sleep, all the food (cravings)!. She was sad about waking up from her dream too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lmao!!! it's ok, there are several guys i know that have read it, and are ashamed to admit that they liked it lol

but i think it's cool that guys can read it with an open mind!. :)

and to answer the question, no bella did not cry to have sex, she cried because she felt insecure!. she thought edward didn't want to do it because he didn't think she was hot!.

whoops!.!.!.wait!.!.!.which book are we talking about!? my answer above was being addressed to eclipse!.

but if we're talking about breaking dawn then lol i guess i could sort of agree, it does seem as though she cried to get what she wanted rather than taking a cold shower lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes she did!. Because she dreamed that they were on the beach!.!.!.ummmmm doing you now what!. And then she woke up!. And she figured out that it was only a dream!. And then she had to make it real in reality!. I know it's really confusing!. I didn't get it the first few seconds!. But I bet your not the only one that didn't get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She did not mean to she was crazy with hormones because of the pregnancy!.
Dude you rock!!!! (for reading Twilight)
how old are you!?


no she didn't!. she was pregnant and i guess girls get emotional when they are pregnant lol!. they weren't her intentions, like she said the only reason she was crying was because she woke up from her dream!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, she cried 'cause it was hard for Edward, and she hated to hurt him!.!.!.and probably because she hated herself for wanting it too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

seems like it but really she cried cuz he kinda hurt her feelings!.!.!.but he didn't mean to!.!.!.she just thought he didn't want to do it so she started crying!.!.!.
ya ur probably rite she cried to have sex!.!.!.!.

ooooh twilight question, Yes i think she did it on purpose to "seduce her all too willing husband" heheheWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your sister made you read them!? Oookay :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol, I'm not sure, I don't think so though!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha idk good question, now that i think about it, yeah i guessWww@QuestionHome@Com