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Question: What should i call my book!? help please!!?
What should be the title of my book!?
okay!. well i lied!. i have TWO unnamed books, both love stories [the second one not entirely based around love as much as the first!.]

book number 1: its basically a poor boy who has been let down alot!. forced to move in a new home, and live with an unbearably nice girl!. he is very mean in general!. they accidently fall in love!. blah blah blah!. thats the jist of it!.

book number 2: set in a girls perspective!. her brother died and she moves in with one of his old friends!. she starts seeing weird patterns in their lifestyle and finds out she has no idea who her brother really was, [an abused drug-dealer!.] she also falls in love too!.!. but thats not the main thing!. i liked the idea of Skin Deep for the title, because it has the whole "people aren't who they seem on the outside" feel!. but the name is already used alot in books and movies and stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've never been good with titles but I'll give it a crack:

Book 1- Accidental Wealth-Because they accidentaly fall in love, and in that love the poor boy finds his wealth!?

Book 2- Lost Patterns- Lame, I know, but the whole thing about how he died, so now he's lost, and how she finds out about these weird patterns, which have been lost on her brothers behalf!.!.!.I know this isn't the best, but I hope it's something helpful :)
Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) Green Grass (as in, grass is greener on the other side) !?
2) The true life of my idiopathic brother !?!?!?

Sorry, no good ideas, but those books sound like things I would read!. Have you already written them!? Is there a place where we can read them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

try these:

Book 2: Incorrect Reflection
Brother, Unknown
If the Truth was Lies!.!.!.

Book 1: Coinless Love (he's poor, right!?)
Forcibly Relocated
We were very different!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My answer i find that you can't go wrong with an important phrase or theme or character name!. They do it all the time in books and movies!. Yugio, Ice Hunt, Deception Point, The Princess Bride!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

first book: "Diametric" (meaning opposite relating to the boy and girl's completely different personalities and way or being)

second book: "Unexpected" (about her brother's identity and her relationship)Www@QuestionHome@Com

book number 1: accident
book number 2: dealer!. *as in drug dealer*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Book number 1: The unseen story of [kids name]
or My Belittled Life!.

Book number 2: !.!.!.!.eh!.!.!. uhm!.!.!.!. damn, cant think of anything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

skin deep is good for the second one

for the first one
Desired Love
Peasants kiss
Falling in unbearable

gd luck
hope u like emWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should check out this article on the difference the right title can make!. It can be the difference between being a flop or bestseller!.


I think you should use the guy's name!. :)
On the second one, Deep skin!? Haha!.
Sorry I'm bad!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

2- Skin Deep would be a good name, as it could also refer to injecting!.

1- For Love Not MoneyWww@QuestionHome@Com