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Question: How did you know you wanted to be a writer and how old!?
Okay I wright fan fiction and some of my stories get a lot of reviews!. I was wondering how old were u when you wanted to be a writer and why!? Oh and here are my fan fictions they are okay but the fourth one I just started writing!.
The Surprise!- http://www!.fanfiction!.net/s/4365571/1/Th!.!.!.
What Just Happened!?-http://www!.fanfiction!.net/s/4412917/1/Wh!.!.!.
The Secret I Never Told You Love!- http://www!.fanfiction!.net/s/4436235/1/Th!.!.!.
Edward's Previous Life-http://www!.fanfiction!.net/s/4486927/1/Ed!.!.!.
you don't have to like the books I wright fan fiction on but do you think the writing sucks or it's good and do you think I could be a good wright er!. Btw I am only 13 and in grade 8!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Always, my mum's an author and so is my dad!. I've always had a serious passion for it!. I know that I really want to be it and always have, I'm 13 too!. Your writing is good, I only looked at the first one but you don't need to work on someone else's ideas use your own!.
I think you need to adopt more of your own style because that's the only way your going to get a career out of this!. If you write a whole book then you could send it to a publisher, even though you're still only 13 you could see what they think, most publishers don't have age restrictions so you could have your book published if it's good! Think of how good that would be for you to start your career on!

Good luck :)

I decided I wanted to be a writer when I was 12 and I met someone so interesting that I thought he just had to be enshrined in writing!. That was my first novel and I've since then started and abandoned a ton more!. I'm almost done with the one I started this summer and sitting down at night to write it is the best part of my day!.

That being said, I love it because it's my own--it's my own world where I can control everything and do anything I want to anyone!. Take this as my recommendation to ditch fan fiction and write something independent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I've always known I like to read and write!.
I started reading at four years old; I'm still a very advanced reader for my age!.
I supposedly (according to friends, family, and teachers) have a very vivid imagination!.
I started writing when I was in first grade and never looked back!. =)
I tend to stay away from fanfiction; I don't like using characters not my own!. I'm writing three stories right now (when I get stumped on one I move on to another), two fantasy and one realistic fiction/sports!. I use writerscafe!.org, and if anyone wants to check out my stories (hint hint), my name is iheart5 and I have two stories up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fan Fiction is absolute garbage!.
People that pocess no original thoughts write Fan Fiction!.

I'm 13, going into the 8th grade, and I know this!.
Come on now!.
Don't make me lose all hope for my generation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was 10 when i started!. but my best ideas came from 8th and 9th grade!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was seven!. (In second-grade, I wrote a short story called "Miss Muddy" and that inspired me to keep writing!. Well--maybe 'inspired' isn't the right word!.) I'm now fourteen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you just know!.
you love doing something
and so thats what you wish to do!.

Probably 6 or 7!.!.!.or 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which question are you asking!!?!!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I was 5 or 6!.


I'll address the writing first: I read only a few paragraphs but felt the narration itself was readable, though a number of spelling mistakes (for instance, Victoria's Secret)!.

As for myself, I've been telling stories all my life and I think all of us have to some degree, through the games we play in our childhood!.

Forced to grow up into the adult world, as we all are, my attachment to the world of story telling found an outlet with fiction writing!. Some of my stories talk to the adult side of me, but more often I'll find myself talking to a younger me!. My perspective on that me changes, but not the me itself!. It's a completely invigorating conversation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've known I've wanted to be a writer sine I was two years old!. I would take walks with my grandfather and whenever I thought of a story I would sit him down on the curb and make him listen to it!. Since then, I've been a writer, published a few times!. Wherever life takes me, I know that I'm going to write!.
Can i offer you a bit of advice!? Stop writing fanfic and start writing things based on characters of your own!. Only then are you really getting the complete writing experience and connecting with your characters!. also, learning to spell "write" is incomprehensibly valuable!. If you're going to be a writer, you should read good material instead of Twilight!. Read the classic children and adult books (start with The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery) and read adult books!. Your writing needs some work in general, and if you read good books I assure you it will get a lot better!. You write in a kind of childish manner and your adjectives and verbs are weak!. If you practice, though, and get a better model to base your work off of, I'm sure you'll do just fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com