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Position:Home>Books & Authors> A novel similar to books like Confessions of a Memory Eater, Tom Finder, Catcher

Question: A novel similar to books like Confessions of a Memory Eater, Tom Finder, Catcher in the Rye or Fight Club!?
I'm looking for suggestions; these are the books my friend likes (or might like)!. He really likes books with a bit of sci-fi and fantasy (not too much, but enough to still make it realistic)

He really likes books that are about people with diseases and how they cope with it (I'm guessing something kind of cool; i!.e!. Henry in the Time Traveller's Wife), books about "drugs" of some sort, rebels, uh, characters that are kind of lost or troubled!.!.

You get the point, right!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree, he should like "A Clockwork Orange", it a great novel!.

"Apathy and Other Small Victories" by Paul Neilan, it funny and really good!.

I also recommend anything by Bret Easton Ellis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rant by Chuck Palahniuk is really good!. Crime and Punishment (though a tough read) is also really good!. Regina's Song by David Eddings is probably my favorite!. All involve coping with some kind of anguish, and are somewhat twisted!.

Actually, pretty much all of Chuck Palahniuk's books are like that!. Choke, Invisible Monsters, Haunted, Lullaby, Diary, all of them!. He's probably like them all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


sex drugs and cocoa puffs, choke if he hasnt its a about a sex addict and his best book better than fight club i thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com