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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know any good Twilight themed away messages?

Question: Does anyone know any good Twilight themed away messages!?
Hey guys!
i was just wondering if anyone knew any good twilight related away messages or where i could find some!. :D Thanks! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you mean for AIM, here are some that I have thought of!.!.!. (They might be pretty cheesy!. Sorry!)

'Edward (or Jacob) are away right now!. I will talk to you later!'
'I am in the Twilight zone!.'
'I am devouring every word of Breaking Dawn!. I can't talk'
'I am fighting off evil vampires while Edward is sucking venom out of my hand!. Can't talk until I get my hand wrapped up!'

Lol, idk!. Bye!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight: Demeaning the definition of love and plot since 2005
Twilight: Love based on how tasty you look!? How touching!.
Bella Swan, everyone's favorite Mary-Sue
Want a boyfriend that will match your sparkly lipgloss!? Then Twilight is for you!
If Edward Cullen is a vampire, than Bella is a necrophiliac!.
Twilight: a vampire's only weakness!.!.!.school girls named Bella!.!.!.GASP!!!"
Bella: I'm obsessively infatuated with sparkly things!"
Twilight: Because nothing says "love" like wanting to devour your girlfriend!.
Twilight: For readers who think having a 'plot' was sooooo last year!.
"Twilight: Because nothing says 'scary' like sparkly vampires!."