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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you imagine this character in your head? Is this a good describtion?

Question: Can you imagine this character in your head!? Is this a good describtion!?
Jack looked upset!. His face was paler than usual, it made him look at bit like his little cousin!. Every now and then you could see the resemblance between him and Jamie, they were both blonde (Jack’s hair was darker though and a different shade)!. Jamie’s was a golden champagne blond but his was still bright but definitely not as bright…!.It was light sandy blonde and it matched his hazel green eyes perfectly!. His hair was medium length, with choppy layers, kind of spiky but flattened down, it was messy looking, but neat at the same time!. It always looked so soft and touchable, like Jamie’s once again!. His face was similar to Jamie’s!. Perfectly symmetrical, with big eyes, full lips, high cheekbones, perfect noses and silky pale skin!. The difference was, obviously Jack was far more masculine looking (with a feminine touch still) he had a wide mouth and unlike Jamie who hadn’t even had a blemish on her face (not even a freckle) he had freckles peppered on the bridge of his nose!. Another thing they shared in common was a good height!. Jack was nearly a head over me, probably 5”10, he was a year older than Jamie and she was probably 5”6!. Nearly all the Herrings had that in common!. They were all tall and blond Like Jack’s dad and Jamie’s mother, who were identical twins!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Aw its so like him!
It's brilliant!!!
Don't mind those people who said all that poo,they're just jealous because you're going to be a big famous writer [With a very cool best friend!]
And they'll just be all smelly!.
Oh Its soo like James!!
Bless his lil heart!

Physically, yes!. I can imagine them!.
BUT I want to know about their personalities, and relationships with one another!. What is Jack like!? Is he timid!? Is he outspoken!? Is he affectionate!? I suppose you may have already put some thought into these things, since you have put a lot into the physical description, but just make sure =)

Its a pretty good description but there are some contradictions and id suggest to make the discreptions more clear I tried picturing one of them when suddenly you give me the detail of another i kept getting confused at who you were talking about especially about the twin thing are jamie and jack twins or the parents!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can sort of picture them but it's hard when the descriptions contradict themselves!. How can something be messy and neat at the same time!? Or masculine and feminine!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could imagine the character in my head!. I think the description is good!.!.!.