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Question: How to find a publisher for a book im almost done with!.!?
i am just about to finish a book and i was wanting to know who i would take it to in order to get it published!. i would like to know names and internet sites if you wouldnt mind telling me!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Find an agent who represents your genre and submit ONLY WHAT THEY ASK FOR!. Do not send your entire book!. Be as professional as you can!. I would start out by sending to at least 25-30!. Be prepared to get rejected!. Of all debut authors, 1% are picked up by agents/publishers!. Of that 1%, 74% sell 99 books or less!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Firstly- you never use two punctuation marks together, as in "!.!?" Sorry, that was really bothering me!. Secondly, you need an agent in order to get it published by a good company!. If you want to self-publish, try lulu!.com, but do not use their marketing as it is a scam!. also, publishers for the most part are genre based, so if you include a summary it will be easier for people to help you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Googling is always a great way to do this!. :) Search for a publishing market that publishes books in that sort of genre, and follow their submission guidelines very carefully!. But do not send out your manuscript to anything until you have the whole thing, just in case the market asks to see your whole story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here try this site, she gives really helpful tips!


also I'd try to find a good agent who can help you!. They are more professional and know what they are doing!. If you're really serious about it I'd try this!

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com