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Question: Why Snape was sorted into Slytherin!?
After reading Deathly Hallows , i doubt that he should have been sorted into Slytherin!.
What do you think!?

xx Thanks ;]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He has all the characteristics of a Slytherin!. Cunning, Ambitious, Resoucefull!.!.!.yet he is Brave! But Look at Hermione, she's really intelligent, it would be equally justifiable to say she deserves to be in Ravenclaw!. However, she chooses to place more importance on her other charcteristics!. those which make her worthy of being in Gryffindor!. I think the same thing applies to Snape, he chose to give light to his other qualities, those which make him worthy of Slytherin!.

I think Phineas Nigellus also sums it up beautifully, when he tells Harry in Order of the pheonix, that Slytherins, are Brave, no doubt about that, but they arent stupid, and they'll think of there own safety first!.!.!.!.
Hope this helps!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't forget the Sorting Hat chooses your house by certain traits; in Snape, the Sorting Hat saw cunning, cleverness, an obsession with dark arts, and perhaps a willingness to prove himself (and a willingness to do whatever it took it get respect) considering his home life!. Snape belonged in Slytherin, at first!.

But, as Dumbledore said, perhaps they sort too early; it does seem like Snape should have been in a different house after what he went through for Lily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Becasue he was always the slytherin type!. He has a lot of gryffindor in him but over all he was mostly slytherin type!. As harry could have been in slytherin, He was more gyrffindor so he choose that one instead!. Spane always had a hard childhood so he was more into the Dark magic!. Thats what game him the more slytherin part, though he had the bravery of Gryffindor to help Dumbdore get the inside info on Voldemort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. I think Dumbledore hit the nail on the head when he told Snape, "I think we sort too soon," as the hat didn't realise Snape could be so brave!. If he'd been in another house away from the influence of the friends he made, then he wouldn't have become a Death Eater in the first place!.

EDIT: why does *every* answer have a thumbs down!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he really made an effort to make himself unnapproachable because he didn't want to be around the witches and wizards that were his age!. He definitely has a Gryffindor streak in him, but he seems to forget about it at times!.

Answer mine:


Because even tho he had SOME Gryffindor traits, he was mostly Slytherin at heart!. Hes cunning and ambitious and even tho he became good after, that was too late I guess!. Oh and he also loved the Dark Arts, and he was cruel and mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Snape has a lot of self interest to him and he's also very bitter about his horrid life!. He has a lot of darkness and coldness to him and I think that's why he was put into Slytherin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It reminds me of Harry Potter, I think if he would have questioned the hat, he may have been placed in another house but he just let it be!. Possibly wrong, but he may have also changed since he was a student!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, he got put into the right house, all right!. He has a maladjusted sense of fair play!.
But then, so did James Potter (Harry's father)!. James Potter should have been sorted into Slytherin too!.

*i would guess its cuz he was evil at first, before he turned good!.!.!.and by judging by snape's personality when he was in school, i think he belonged in slytherinWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lest we forget, Snape WAS evil!. It wasn't until later in life that he made the switch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The rest of his family were all in Slyterin, i think =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea i guess so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cuz he luvs the dark arts and ppl who luv it go thereWww@QuestionHome@Com