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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where can you read fan fiction and dont have to pay or download?

Question: Where can you read fan fiction and dont have to pay or download!?
im a writer and want to post and read fan fic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

fanfiction has tons of fics, and it's free!. There are communities that you can join, and you can both get and receive feedback!. Most of the feedback is vague and generic, though!.

Depending on the fanverse you write in, there may be a lot of other places!. Live Journal has a lot of fanfiction communities, and many of them are very active, very helpful, and full of talented writers that will help you improve and ask for your input!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ever heard of Young Writers Society!? It's a website where writers can post/review their writing!. I have the website link below in my sources, but before you post your work you'll have to write at least 2 reviews!.

As a side note, there's a fan fiction section filled with stories!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

What fandom do you write for!? If you give me a list, I can recommend some specific websites for you!.

also, is it Gen, Het, or Slash!?Www@QuestionHome@Com



It's fanfiction!.net!. Not '!.com!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com