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Question: Writing Help!!? Fiction - follow on from other question!?
This is a kind of follow on from another question I asked!.!.!.

Im writing a story about a girl and her single mum and younger brother going on holiday to Tuscany!.!.!.And the girl ( Bella ) meet this strange kinda mysterious boy who lives in the area!. They slowly fall in love and its basically a love story with a twist!.!.!.which i wont tell u hehe!!!!!

But my problem is!.!.i know nothing about Tuscany!.!.!.or italy as a matter of fact but i fell in love with the place when i went on holiday there and my story really needs to be set there!.!.!.!.what do you reccomend i do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Move your story to somewhere you know
After all, the first rule is write about what you knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

You haven't given us much to work with here, but after reading what you have put, I'd definitely stay away from the name Bella if you are having her fall in love with a mysterious boy!. Too much like the Twilight saga!. If you want to keep the strange boy, change the girls name!. Other than that, it sounds quite good!. You should do some research about the place or make it a place you know more about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do a LOT of research!. Learn about Tuscany!. Research is a big part of being an author!.

I don't know how to break it to you hun, but don't use Bella as your lead girl!. You will be in the shadows of Twilight!. Even if your book is nothing like it (though a girl falling in love with a mysterious boy--vampire or not--is much like it), Twilight is so huge right now, that is where a lot of people's minds will go when they read Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The name Bella currently has certain connotations!. People who disliked Twilight might shun your book and people who liked it might make comparisons!.

Get a travel guide and read books set in Italy!. Where Angels Fear to Tread is set in Italy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Search for Tuscany on Google!.
Find any tourist sites or history on Tuscany which may recommend which you may want to include in your story!.
Hope this helps :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

try travel books from the libray - normally they have a bunch of stuff, not just touristy, but stuff that people would do there - like restaurants and things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com