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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Whats the point of reading books? (they don't make you smarter)?

Question: Whats the point of reading books!? (they don't make you smarter)!?
Reading fictional books do not make you smarter and reading non-fiction is a slow way to increase your knowledge!.

Reading articles on Wikipedia or watching a educational TV show will enlighten your mind far more then books!.

Enjoyment!? If you want to here a story get a 1 page summory!. There is no reason to expand a rather bland story into 200pages!. Books Suck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know, right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reading fiction books does make you smarter - it increases your vocabulary, expands your knowledge of language and grammar, and (if the story's captivating enough) encourages the use of your imagination!. Fiction can also build on your knowledge of all sorts of things - the sciences, history, government, life skills, etc!. It just depends on what you're reading!.

Not all non-fiction is boring, either -- textbooks (which most people do consider boring) are only a small genre of non-fiction literature!.

Another thing I'd like to say: I don't think I'd get *nearly* as much enjoyment out of a one-page summary of, say, East of Eden than I'd get by reading the book!. It's a terrific novel that not even a 50-page essay could cover!. Would you settle for watching a 2-minute movie trailer instead of going to see the whole film!?

I think you simply need to find a book that interests you!. Of course, you're completely entitled to your opinion and if you just hate books, then you just hate books, and there's not much anyone can do about that!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your concept of enlightenment is rather skewed!. Literature isn't mere entertainment--serious works (both fiction and non-fiction) often convey ideas and philosophies that are difficult to express otherwise!.

In addition, books have been around longer than encyclopedias and other reference works!. Many of the best minds of western civilization, mathematicians and scientists included, learned from books alone, and then expressed their own ideas in books!.

The ease of Wikipedia, television, and textbooks, have led many to believe that books are obsolete and inefficient!. But those who expect to learn everything from those sources alone lack a critical perspective of the world around them, and may never fully learn how to question and understand that world!.

Want to learn how to think for yourself!? To understand others!? To appreciate the history of human thought!? Then pick up a book!. Knowledge can't be found in facts alone!.

Box, I've learned more from fiction than I would have dreamed!. I have basic knowledge in all kinds of things because I read books which used them as part of a story!. I've got more than a smattering of medical knowledge, some legal know-how, familiarity with police procedure, the low-down on swordfighting, and idea how the record industry works, and much, much more, all while being thoroughly entertained!.

If you think books suck, you're reading the wrong books!. Edit your question by sharing your age or reading level and your interests, and maybe we can recommend some that will blow you away and change your mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, I disagree with your first point!. I have read fictional stories that have made me think, and improvedd my knowledge by making me a better thinker!. For example, the book "Clone" made me think, "what if!?" and I learned that way!. There's also To Kill A Mockingbird which taught me about prejudice!.

Reading non-fiction can increase your knowledge quickly!. You just need to choose the right books!.

Wikipedia is great, but since the public can edit it, some "facts" need to be taken with a pinch f salt as they might not be accurate!.

Educational TV shows do not improve reading and writing skills and they can give you square eyes if you watch too many!.

Not all novels are bland stories!. That's the beauty of literature!. There's so much variety!. You can choose plenty of interesting stories!.

I am quoting your last sentence: "Books Suck!."
If you were a well-read person, you would be smart enough to use proper capitalisation and think of a better verb to use here!. These are just two of the things that books can teach you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

books and literature are a way to expand your thinking!. you do learn when reading fiction, just because it is made up does not mean that you won't learn anything!. you ca learn about different places, languages, vocabulary, you name it!. and correction, they do make you smarter!. they increase your vocabulary and and your reading and comprehension skills!. If a book is fiction, it only means that the plot and the characters and the story line is made-up!. the setting can be real, the things people learn can be real!. you learn many things when you read books!. you can learn just as much by reading a fictional book than by reading a non fictional book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well smart people like reading books!.

Its like saying people who play video games do nothing all day!.(kinda)

Its kinda like watching TV in your head,(im sure you've heard that before)!. You can imagine the characters how ever you want, and its relaxing!.

Its not to get smart or to expand your knowledge in any way at all!. Sometimes books are just addicting, you want to know what happens next!. Once you start reading a book you can't put that book down!.

Me, I don't read many books unless i find them very interesting!.

I don't really know how to explain why people read books, but most books aren't boring, they are relaxing and exciting!.

I hope I explained in a non-confusing way!. (but if i were reading this i would be confused)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The fact that you just put Wikipedia and educational TV shows in the same category is almost laughable!.

In no way is Wikipedia even close to non-fiction!. It is an easily edited website that allows any user to make changes in information (I believe Stephen Colbert did an experiment of sorts on this on his show, decreasing the number of elephants in Africa to some absurdly small number)!. Wikipedia, if anything, is an "encyclopedia" of fallacies!.


well to be honest, if one reads a really interestin then youve gained the knowledge of that book!. also, books for me captivate me and i enjoy readin them, especially ones like lord of the rings and others!.

and anyway, there are ppl who dont like readin books, like you, but remember that there are some ppl who enjoy reading, who love reading about how a place is described, because it can be beautiful, brooding, haunting, epic, monsterous, detailed, colourful, imaginitive, and so so so many others, so books arent necessarily mean they have to be educational!.

i also read because it transports into that world, if its that good, and i lose track of the real world for the time bein, which can be fun!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

why do YOU watch TV!?
It's for the stories, the info, and most people LIKE books!. It's an opinion thing!. I like books, but not everybody has to!. There ARE different ways to enjoy stories and to get information other than in books, so it's good that you know how!. As for school, you can't change what books they have you read, just like you can't change the amount of math homework you get!. But for your grades sake, i think you should try to learn to like books a little more!.
Oh, and why would you ask a rhetorical question on yahoo answers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reading fictional books increase your awareness about different situations, cultures, life problems, traditions, and ideas!.

Wikipedia is easy, yes, but it is written very simply!. The idea of reading is to expand your analytical skills and express yourself!.

Answer mine:


i feel so sorry for you!. that is the worst kind of educational
deficiency, not to be able to enjoy reading!.
if you only ever get information in itty bitty canned bits your mind
will grow as flabby as any other muscle that never gets exercised!.
i am never lonely, never bored, and never without an idea!. all
because i read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you read books at your reading level often, your vocabulary increases!. Reading also stimulates your neurons (in your brain), so that when you're older you will be less likely to develop dementia!. Basically, reading exercises your brain!. Trust me it's good for you!. Books don't suck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Asking a question like your's, in turn begs the question: 'Why are you on this section at all!?'
There's no point in answering you!. If you don't like books, then so be it!. It's an awful shame, becaue there's a whole world of enjoyment, wisdom and excitement out there!. For your sake, I hope that someday you'll have a change of heart
Mike B Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am really sorry you feel that way!. You will miss out on a lot of great stuff by not reading!. Reading fiction widens your horizons!. They make you think about life in different ways!. Reading is also relaxing!. Reading about a character is like meeting a new person--exciting and refreshing!. One of my favorite books, A Thousand Splendid Suns, taught me in a fun way about the middle east!. It opened my eyes!. It got me thinking in ways I never would have if I had not read it!. It also enhances your comprehension skills, and your vocabulary!. It gives you a better understanding of not only grammer and other basic things you need to know in life, but you can also learn about yourself!. Reading can help you learn your likes and dislikes, which will help you later on in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree!. Reading books at the correct level can increase your vocabulary and make you a better writer through example!. Books (even fiction ones) can teach you about people from other places and the world you live in!.
I think it's sad you find reading useless and think 'books suck'!.

I like books because they're so descritptive and they consume you so you're in another world!. Bland stories do suck!. But you'd be surprised there's a lot of good stuff out there, no matter what you're into!. I'm always reading fiction!. Young adult!. fantasy!. Sci- fi!. adventure!. suspense!. romance!. military!. classics

Give it try!. Post the kinds of movies you like and I'll give you some reccomendations, I know every genre!.
Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoy reading books because it helps me to leave real life behind!. I know it sounds weird but whenever things get on top of me or I become stressed with schoolwork, I read!. It has become natural for me over the past couple of years to pick up a book and get lost in it to escape the real world!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't make you smarter!? What makes you qualified to say that!? Just because they're fictional doesn't mean that they don't build logical, analytical, and creative skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books stimulate your brain no matter what kind, and its very relaxing as well (or at least to me)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

BOOKS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the book Twilight Series is the best book series EVER made!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am sorry you feel that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone has their own view on reading, and you made it clear that you don't like to read!. That's absolutely fine, and you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I will answer your question by explaining why I actually disagree with you!.!.!.

First of all, one main reason that reading can make you 'smarter' is because of vocabulary, spelling, grammar, etc!. When a person reads, no matter whether it's fiction, non-fiction, an article, or anything, that person is exposed to many new and different words and writing styles!. I believe it has been studied and proven that, for the most part, people (kids, etc!.) who read often have better/more advanced vocabulary, a better ability to spell, and a better understanding of grammar and such!. For that reason, books are often read and discussed in English classes in schools - kids can use books to further their vocab and to improve their spelling and grammar!.

As for non-fiction books, they are of course more apt to make a person 'smarter' in the sense that a person can better understand real life events!. By reading autobiographies and historical accounts, a person can learn about historical and current issues and people!. In addition to that, though, I believe a person's intelligence also includes their ability to use their imagination and to think outside of the box!. So, books that are fiction are just as able to make a person 'smarter!.' By reading books that may not be based on true events, a person's mind is forced to think abstractly and such, and that of course is a great thing for your mind!. So while sci-fi and fantasy books may not be terribly factual, they make a person think and make a person use their imagination, which is an important part of a person's brain/mind!. On top of that, all books are filled with themes and underlying messages, and understanding and analyzing those themes is also something that expands a person's mental capacity!.

And as for the enjoyment aspect of reading - reading for some people is like watching TV or a movie or playing a sport for another person!. Reading is an escape and an adventure!. Reading can be enjoyable and relaxing because through reading you can temporarily remove yourself from what is happening around you!. Following characters on epic and/or fun quests and such is simply an enjoyable hobby for some people!.!.!.

Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm sorry you feel that way, i guess you just havn't found the right kind of books that keep your attention!. i read books because that's how i relax!. fiction keeps your imagination going, it might not increase your knowlege because it's not real, but it does help with grammar and vocabulary!. i feel sorry for you because obviously you havn't had the chance to read some great books!. if you havn't tried it, maybe you shouldn't be dissing it!. most articles on wikipedia aren't even actual facts!. anybody can get on there and type anything they want!. you're actually making yourself more unintelligent by reading wikipedia!. what tv shows are you watching anyways!? by watching tv your mind picks up on commercials which don't help you!. books are definately more educational and who is teaching you otherwise!? books open up your mind, make you more able to think in more ways than just the way you started out!.
you should try to read different kinds, i mean, you can start with small books!. tv shows are just like books only when you're reading, you actually absorb more of what you are given!. you can read books that are based of tv shows!. they are so much better too because there's details that you'd miss if you were just watching them!.
not all books are bland you just need to find an author that you like the style of writing!. maybe you need to read horror stories, or mystery stories, something to get your attention!. alot of books i read, i can find a connection between the narrator's life and my life!. and it's awesome!
i really encourage you to start reading!. it's so relaxing and alot of fun!. it's like you only have to concentrate on that one thing at that precise moment!. it's really freeing because there's tons of different subjects, you can never read something that's exactly like something else you've read before unlike tv shows where they run out of ideas!. if you let your mind wander you can actually let go and have fun!
