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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Any Science-fictional literature,games,movies you know?

Question: Any Science-fictional literature,games,movies you know!?
I love science fiction and have a week off,so i was wondering if you could help me out with the search!.Any specific publications!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since you don't give any hints as to what not to recommend!. I'll access the random book generator that is my head!. In general any of the works of these authors can be accepted as first rate!.

The Moon is A Harsh Mistress by R!. A!. Heinlein!. Heinlein at his best, this is the tale of a moon colony revolt!. Adventure fiction coupled with political theory as only the master can do, that is without boring you to tears!.

Snow Crash by Neal Stephensen!. Cyberpunk based, the usual lowlife hackers, petty criminals, and bike messengers!. New ideas, great writing, the type of sci-fi that makes you say "Why is so much sci-fi, not like this!?"

Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad!. Largely forgotten these days, this "new wave" author has produced one of the oddest classics in the genre!. Ask yourself "What if Hitler had gone with writing sci-fi instead of being a genocidal dictator!? This book is the answer!.

Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen by H!. Beam Piper!. These days there are hundreds of alternate world books out there!. Why not try one of the silver age classics instead!? Odds are you'll find yourself hunting down this master's entire bibliography before you're done!. If you like Jerry Pournelle, why not read Piper and find out where the guy cribbed his style from!?

The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K!. Le Guin!. Anything that has disturbed over two generations of sci-fi fans as much as this book is worth reading, merely as a bench mark to make 90% of sci-fi seem like the Tom Swift series!.

Five seems enough for my attention span!. Hopefully at least one of these authors is new to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com