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Question: Edward Cullen (Twilight the movie)!?
Opinions on Robert Pattinson!.
Do you think he is the right guy to play Edward!.
I dont!. He just isnt happy enough!.
He seems not as gracious as Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At first i was really mad and upset!. He didnt fit the part!. but then as i watched more and more and read more and more on the movie i began to love him! i think he is perfect now!.!.!. and actually im beginning to think the Kristen Stewart isnt playing bella as good as i thought she would!. i think kristen isnt as convincing!.

Robert has it down perfect!.
but Kristen just doesnt feel right anymore!.

Put this where people might care about it!. Try the movie section!. It definitely does not belong in books and authors!.

Incidentally, I think Rob is a great pick!. How do you know whether he is happy or gracious enough!? From the previews!? Because, if that is where you are getting the opinion from, you need to know that a lot of that is a directorial decision, not Robert Pattinson as an actor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he's perfect, but trust me I understand, it's awful when you get this perfect picture in your head and then there like here, deal with this freak!.!.!.!.
that was random!. lol!. He works for me because in my head (when they dress him up as Edward and he's not making funny facial expressions, he's only second to Ryan Gosling [who would have made a really fine carlisle, btw])Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wasn't sure at first but after watching the trailer over and over and seeing other things of him on you tube i don't really care if he's not right!. i've fallen in love with him - not literally of course!. check out his interviews he has such a cute laugh!. he makes me proud to be British lol!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well at first i was like "ok they need to find another edward because he's not hot enough to be edward" but i guess we have to see if he rises to the expectations of all the twilighters like myself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i dont!. i started reading that book, so has my sister, mom other sister best friend, best friends sister, and my sisters friend, and they all think hes not right for the part!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he's the perfect role to play Edward!. He can be really nice, really serious, and he's totally hot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I saw who was playing Edward!. I was let down!. From how Edward is described in the book, I expected different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

at first when i saw him i was like he is so wrong for the part but he has grown on me i
dont really like the person for bella thoWww@QuestionHome@Com

He's good!. Mysterious and hot!. He'll do!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'll just say that they're making an effort with the hair and contacts!.!.!. at least in the poster!. everything else with him!? their effort could be stronger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah hes pretty decent!.!.!.
and hott!Www@QuestionHome@Com