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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone read atlas shrugged????

Question: Anyone read atlas shrugged!?!?!?!?
how is dagny taggart the protagonist i cant figure out how she went through internal or external changes anyone no the answer!?
plz hlp

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think her internal changes are in her confidence and her optimism!.

She is ridiculously confident in her abilities; to the level of hyperbole!. She is so convinced that she can single handedly save the railroad (and thereby the entire capitalist world) that she leaves the strikers!. She is the last to join when she finally realises it!.

Like her confidence her optimism is a hindrance to her!. She remains fiercely optimistic about people and the future, leading her on the wild goose chase for John Galt's motor and countless other pursuits!. It is not until the end, when she learns the looters will torture Galt to make him help them, the she final realises that they cannot save the capitalist world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haven't read it but it's one of the longest books ever written in the English language and supposed to be amazing!. Www@QuestionHome@Com