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Question: George Orwell's 1984!?
For those who have seen the second movie take on the novel (the first was in the mid-fifties) that came out in the year of the title, do you feel the movie did the book justice!? I didn't think so!. Many of the tiny details were left out, and the characters didn't seem to resemble the way Orwell described them!. And go figure, they're remaking the movie, yet AGAIN! What do you think!? Did it do it justice!? Shouldn't they just leave it alone!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that the intention's of the movie differed from Orwell's!. In the movie, it really seemed to push the entertainment, suspense, and romance factors!. It was not a social criticism, it was made for profit!. The book on the other hand was a commentary on the potential danger of power in the minority!. Orwell was making a statement, the movie was making a profit!. The movie in no way does the book justice, but there is truly no way it can!. Elements such as the book within the book that details the structure of the government itself simply cannot be replicated!. I think they should just leave it alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think 1984 is the type of classic novel that takes place in the mind!. No matter which way the movies interpret it, the different thoughts and themes that are central to individuals would not be done justice!. That book can take on different meanings and perceptions when reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG i had to read that book in Junior High and i hated everything about it!. As for the movie i didn't see it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book is almost always better, because your imagination is better!.

It was an ok film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe they'll do a better job and learn from their mistakes in the first two movies but the book i think will always remain the best optionWww@QuestionHome@Com