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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How can you get readers without spamming?

Question: How can you get readers without spamming!?
I know about posting on web sites and forums, but what other ways can you go about speading the word about your writing!. Know of any web sites that lets you actively search for people that might be interested in reading your work!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are talking about your poems, try making a portfolio and posting it on web!. I know I'm always interested in portfolios! Or you could simply make your own website (go to www!.freewebs!.com for a free one) or you could buy your own domain name and do it that way, (no matter if it's poems, drawings, a book or pictures) There is also this site!.!.!.hmm!.!.!.I'm not sure if it's what you are looking for, but you can post you book/poems/whatever on there and people can read them!. also, you can put the site template on your aim profile!. That site is called www!.buddy4u!.com

Hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com