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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does "a great and terrible beuty" have any romance in it?

Question: Does "a great and terrible beuty" have any romance in it!?
yeah i started reading it, and im in chapter 7, and i heard that it had some romance in it, and i just wanna know from people who have read it!. if there is romance, what kind!? like, what does it contain!? also, if there is rape, please let me know!.
one more thing, isnt there like 3 books!?
1!.a great and terrible beauty
3!.a sweet far thing (or something like that)

if im wrong, please tell me, and if you can, give me some info on these books, too!.
THANK U SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, there is three books!. The second one is called Rebel Angels, the third one is The Sweet Far Thing!. These books are amazing!.These books have a variety of different themes intertwined-fantasy,romance, and action!.
Here's Libba Bray's website that will tell you about the books:

Yes there is romance in the first book(Gemma and Kartik), but not as much as the other too!. In the first book there is kissing and sexual fantasies(not dirty or smutty though)!. In the second book there is more kissing, and a lot of flirting!. The third book has the most romance, there is making out, and a debatable sex scene (the author Libba Bray said that it was up to the reader to determine if it was a sex scene or not!. I say it was, but again its not smutty or dirty)!. Oh, and there is no rape!. Ummm, about the happy ending I don't want to ruin anything for you, but I felt closure, I wouldn't call it a fairy tale ending though!. But overall I recommend these books to anyone, they are my favorites, trust me these books are AMAZING!.

also, I go on these wonderful boards about AGATB on imdb!.com (AGATB is going to be a movie in a few years), you should come check it out, the people are super nice there, and if you have any more questions about the series the people on there know alot about the books!. http://www!.imdb!.com/title/tt0833962/boar!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is romance!. between gemma and a guy named kartick!.
there is a couple good romance scences in the last book
and the 2nd book is called rebel angels Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) a great and terrible beauty
2)rebel's angel
3) a sweet far thing!.

that's all i know!. haven't read them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a big fan of the series I really like them all!.!.!. I think each book was better than the one before!. There are three - you were right
1!. A Great and Terrible Beauty
2!. Rebel Angels
3!. The Sweet Far Thing

There is a powerful romance that builds with each book!. The deep love between the two characters isn't really a huge thing until the 3rd book, but it is sweet to read about in all of them!. (And of course there are smaller romances among other characters aswell that occur throughout all the books)

There is no rape scene!.!. but there is really only one other instance that is along the same lines that is sad, but it doesn't take away from the story and it is NOT graphically described or intense!. But, like i said, it is sad!.

As for the ending, I can't really say too much without giving it away!. There is a sad part in the end but it doesn't ruin the series - at least it didn't for me!. Sometimes you think "ugh! why did THAT have to happen!!?" but deep down you know it was what was the right thing to happen in order to make the book so interesting and powerful!

You should definately read it! It is easier to find out what happens for yourself then to have me try and tell you all of it!. It takes place in a really cool time period, has deep and interesting characters that are fun to follow along with, its romantic, and magical!
ENJOY IT!Www@QuestionHome@Com