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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know good books lik the twilight saga?

Question: Does anyone know good books lik the twilight saga!?
i luv the twilight series and was wandering if there r good books lik twilight ive read vampire diaries and vampire kisses and harry potter is there anything else thats goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I personally loved Twilight! My second favorite series is the Pretty Little Liars series!. It's a really good book! It's a mystery, yet, it's girly too!. I found a review since I'm not the best at explaining things, haha!.

Here's the link to the review:

Hope I helped!!

I loved Stephenie Meyer's books and I am really into other stories with vampires and what not some of these might work for you , I really liked them;

The Hollow's series with Rachel Morgan by: Kim Harrison
Main character is a witch, but there are vampires plenty too!. These books really suck you in!. The next in the series is coming out in Febuary!.

The Otherworld series by: Kelley Armstrong
Different main Characters as you go through the series but all linked in some way!. Has werewolves, shamans, vampires, necromancers, ect!. Next one in the series comes out in November!.

House of Night series by: P!.C!. Cast and Kristin Cast
Extremely different take on vampires a must read for any teenager into supernatural books!. Slightly toned down from the above two what with being made for teenagers but still great reads!. There are three out so far and the next is coming out in November too I think!.

Any and all books you can get your hands on by L!.J!. smith (L!.Jane Smith) I see that you have already read Vampire Diaries but have you read her other ones!? Try the Nightworld series!.

I can think of a million more books you would probably love too but those are just a few favorites!. (I know what it is like searching in vain for something else to read when you go through books like nothing)
If you want to know some more email me at cutiepatudy88@yahoo!.com!.

Hope you find something worth reading:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the twilight saga and loved every book!. Have you read the Host by Stephanie Meyer!? And the only other book I can compare to the Twilight saga is Gone by michael grant!. But if you like vampire books, try Night World by LJ Smith

I have a question for you!. Everyone says that they were disappointed with breaking dawn!. Were you!? Because I seem to be the only one I know that loved it more that Eclipse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, It's not like the twilight saga, persay, but some really good books are
Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras!.

they are a m a z i n g!.

and to schmitty!.^^^
I liked Breaking Dawn better than eclipse, too!.

yes The Night world series

by: L!.J SMITH


this book is so romantic,,,

if you loved twilight you will love this one=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Theres Blue blood is kind of like twilight in a way there are romance parts, Vampire academy has some romance parts the house of night mite be good but theres stuff in the thrid one thats a little werid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host - Stephenie Meyer

Uglies - Scott Wersterfeld

Gemma Doyle Series - Libba Bray

Harry Potter J!.K!. RowlingWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Mortal Instruments Series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Cassandra ClareWww@QuestionHome@Com

the vampire academy series Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you read Gossip Girl or The It Girl!?

I love the Twilight series btw!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com