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Question: The Scarlet Letter!. Help please!!?
Show how the opening scene introduces important themes or ideas to the novel as a whole!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you mean chapter 1, then leavesnthings is right to point you to the rose bush!. It is symbolic of the story: beauty where all else is ugly, hardiness despite a harsh element and more!. You also see brave Hester and the judgmental community, her loveliness and their ugliness!.

If you mean The Customs House preface to the novel, in this chapter Nathaniel Hawthorne connects his present to the past, shows the differences in traditions, and this is where he finds the preserved scarlet letter as well as the story behind it!.

I would recommend that you look through http://education!.yahoo!.com/homework_help!.!.!. the information on Yahoo Education!. There are summaries and commentaries to aid you!.

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As I said for your other question!.!.!.write your own dang essay like the rest of us!!! Really, not that hard!. My lord, you could at least cheat on your own without bothering strangers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The rose bush!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um read the book!. sorry,Www@QuestionHome@Com