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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Honestly, how 'graphic' is the book Breaking Dawn?

Question: Honestly, how 'graphic' is the book Breaking Dawn!?
i've heard bella has a child in it, how graphic does the book go into it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not as bad as it could have been, but it was still rather graphic!.

The baby breaks Bella's spine when it kicks her!. She starts convulsing, is in pain, blah blah blah!. Basically, she's dying!. Edward wants to save her baby, so he munches through Bella's stomach, opens the amniotic sac with his teeth, chomps through her uterus, gets the baby out, etc!. Meanwhile, blood is spurting everywhere, and Rosalie is flipping out!. Edward injects Bella's heart with venom using a syringe, Jake flips out about Bella dying and starts giving compressions, etc etc!.

The uterus-eating scene was a bit strange!. Let's just say that it's graphic enough to invoke a phobia of childbirth, or a desire for lifelong abstinence, in more sensitive types ;)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read worse!. The thing that disgusts me is that Meyer seemed to want to prove a point in the childbirth scene!. She seemed to want to invent a new Cesarean method of birth or something!. The vampire/child literally chews it's way out of the uterus, and Rosalie tries to cut it out with a scalpel, but she gets hauled off and Edward bites in with his teeth to finish the job!. And nine-year-olds are reading this!. YA!? Not likely!. Most fans are little tweens!.

well the gory bit of it was the most graphic, but bella's eyes rolled in the back of her head alot, which bugged me!. when stephenie did The Host i think she got hooked on the sci-fi crap and decided to add it in BD,

but they totally skipped the sex scenes!. all of them!. and there were quite a few!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you mean sexually graphic, it doesn't really go into that at all!. Someone else told you all the gory stuff that happens in Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hahahahaha! To the point where Edward tells Jacob to have puppies with Bella!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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