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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What does "how do you connect" mean in book reports. +Plot?

Question: What does "how do you connect" mean in book reports!. +Plot!?

I am doing a summer reading assignment for my school!. I am to read a book then write a report on it!. One of the questions asks, " how so you connect to the passage" and I completely get confused, What do I write!!?!!?! If you could help that would be great!

also If anyone can help be by telling me what to write for a plot of a story that would be great! (Please give an example of a plot from a book you have read and explain)

If you can only answer one, that is OK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To connect with means to have a personal experience that, in some way, even if it's a far stretch, relates to an event or message in the book!. Like, for example, in the book The Hatchet, the boy gets stuck in the wilderness and has adapt to survive!. I can connect with this book because, when I moved to a different town, I had adapt to the changes around me to "survive", or to be happy!. ( I know, its a long shot of a connection, but I'm sure the teachers won't be THAT tough )
And for the plot, just write the major events in the story!. Like, in The Hatchet, the plane crashes, blah blah blah, he creates a fire, kills a moose (or w/e it is), etc!.!.!. Just summarize the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yip!. Remember that each book elicits a different response in each reading of it (even if it is read twice by the same person)!. The great books often leave a lasting or universal impression on many readers!.

Your task: You might pinpoint one or two of the major themes or underlying messages of the book, and perhaps the pertinent trials and hardships that the protagonist experienced to take on his/her more mature persona depicted at the end of the book!. Use these instances by relating them to personal impressions or experiences in your life!. I'm sure you don't need to write about personal stuff that you've been through, but you can give your teacher some insight into what impression the book left on you!.

If you want to suck up, use things like!.!.!.The narrator's uncovering of the events of such and such left an indelible impression on me, and where I had not been aware of such and such prior to reading this book, (Author's name) certainly managed to open my eyes to a new and more meaningful perception of such and such!. :)!.!.etc

good luck Www@QuestionHome@Com

it means that you need to find something in your life that either directly relates to the passage or something you think is parallel to the passageWww@QuestionHome@Com

I always find that sort of question presumptuous!. Most of the time if you answer honestly people think you are not taking the assignment seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com