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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you view Humbert in Lolita as a pedophile? An obsession or love?

Question: Do you view Humbert in Lolita as a pedophile!? An obsession or love!?
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The first time I read Lolita I was 12, and my opinion on Humbert mirrored Luthien's!. I thought Lola was such an awesome, quirky girl and that Humbert truly loved her, and that because she was so smart and he really was very good to her at times that they were in a consensual relationship!.
I read it again this spring, and the fact that I'd sympathized with Humbert four years ago when I first read it made me despise him all the more on the second read because I realized how incredibly talented he was at the art of manipulation!. With wiser eyes I was able to recognize how incredibly twisted and selfish Humbert was, how Lola was so much more fragile than she appeared, and how their relationship was so incredibly, nauseatingly wrong!.
Humbert Humbert is a pedophile and a predator, and the reason he is one of the most evil, despised characters in the literary world is that he is able to trick Lolita and the readers in believing that he isn't one!.

Yes, Humbert Humbert loved Lolita!. The word pedophile means "lover of children," and Lola was a child Humbert sexualized and played mind games with!. His love for her was obsessive and hedonistic in nature, not paternal, and it certainly wasn't true love!. When you truly love someone you do not exploit, manipulate or take advantage of them the way Humbert did to Lola!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe when he first saw her, his usual pedophilic tendencies fired up, and they were stronger than ever!. I believe later though, they matured into love, as usually his obseesion with 'nymphets' fade after they pass 14, but he sees her as 17, and still loves her passionately!. In prison, writing the letter, still he loves her!. And is willing to be just a fatherly love!. He is willing to class his love in any aspect, because he cares for her so much!. I believe it was true love at the end!.

Humber Humbert was a pedophile!. He preyed on Lolita by getting involved with her mother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com