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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In the Uglies series did you like the book "Specials"?

Question: In the Uglies series did you like the book "Specials"!?
I really didn't like how Tally was out of the Loop the whole time!. She didn't know anything about the New Smoke!. I also didn't like how she wasn't really Tally, she was always getting mad!. I wish she had gotten the cure like halfway through the book so she could go back to New Smoke or something or at least act normal!.

And Zane died! That was sooo sad!. I wanted her to go back to David kindo, but the way he died - trying to change for her - was soooo sad!.

I liked that her and David were back together in the end but not really that they decided to stay away from everyone else!.

What did you guys think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I liked it, but not as much as the other books!. I didn't care that Zane died!. Sure she loved him but I was totally routing for her and David!. I didn't like Zane that much!. I thought it was good and Tallyish not to have the cure, like rewiring herself!. It made her seem stronger!. I hated her and David going off on their own but at least we learn in extras (have you read it!? newer book from completly different persons pov!. again not as good as rest of the series but worth while reading) that she meets up with shay and fausto but yeah!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the book, but I didn't like certain aspects of it, such as that Zane dies and the whole time they're together she can't even look at him!. He was my favorite so that kind of ruined it for me :(
I also just didn't like that all of the Specials were so obsessed with outer appearance!. That always bothers me!. I enjoyed it though, but I started Extras and it was so different and everything and I really didn't like it and I couldn't even finish it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked that book!. It made the world bigger!.

I thought for the longest time that Zane was David, only that he was made "pretty" because he tried to save Tally from that fate!.

I think Tally was always meant to be a Special!. The sharp teeth were kinda freaky though!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was epic and an example of a writer putting his foot down!. Takes discipline to do that to a character, and thank god for writers like Westerfield that have discipline!.
Forcing a happy ending on people makes them feel patronized!.

it was my favorite book out of all of them!. and this probably sounds!.!.!. crazy but if zane would have gotten better it would have been sort of corny/predictable!. i was sad for tally but still!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked Zane, but i also liked it when she and David got back together!. I really liked the book SpecialsWww@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was a really good book!.!.!. if you liked the uglies/pretties/specials trilogy, you should read the follow up book called ExtrasWww@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree with you, those were my thoughts exactly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com