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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Eh i have a real problem for TWILIGHT fans!???

Question: Eh i have a real problem for TWILIGHT fans!!?!?!?
um alright i have fallen in love with edward cullen, i mean i am so head over heals for this un real person that i cant even picture my self with another man!. i feel like i will nvr fall in love bc i cant love anyone else but him!. i dont no what to do!!! im only 13 and cant date for another 3 yrs but still!.!.!.!.im scared ive gone crazy!!! help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't worry about it!. I mean don't sit there and draw portraits of him or anything, lol, but don't sit around trying to stop because that will only make you think about your obsession!. What I reccomend is try to read the books rarely and read a bunch of other books!. What I do is I read about 10 or 15 books (a mixture of everything, classics, YA) and then I come back to one of the books!. It helps to dilute the obsession a little!.
But I understand!. Just remember that life especially as a teen is a gift and its fun and exhilarating, so live it up and ease away from fiction and boys!. And trust me when you stop searching for a great guy he'll just pop up out of the blue!. But it won't be Edward Cullen (he's mine!, jk)
good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can never fall in love with anyone who is not exactly like EC, then you are doomed!. No one will ever live up to your expectations, because there is no such thing as a person who is perfect!. Even if you find someone who is perfect for you (as I have), they are not going to be perfect!. All I can say is you better lower your standards RIGHT NOW, to save yourself from a lot of pain and disappointment!. EC is a fictional character whom someone made up from their head!. Stephanie Miller can make this character say exactly what she wants him to say to make teenage girls fall in love with him!. There is no man like that on this earth!. You are a person, yes!? You forget things, yes!? So does everyone else!. No one is ever going to say just the right things at the right time all the time!. It doesn't happen!. It isn't possible!. All you can really hope for is someone who fits with your personality and doesn't abuse you!. I have a friend that is still looking for the perfect man and she is never going to find him because he doesn't exist!. Don't go down that road!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry!.
I doubt very much that you're the only one who feels like this!.
But unfortunately he doesn't exist, and if he did, well, the poor guy would have to go into hiding!.
It may be because your 13 and its the first guy youve read and looked at in this way, and because hes not real its all to easy to imagine yourself with him!.

Give yourself a few more years!.
youll come round to the idea that no one is as perfect as Edward Cullen, but youll come to know your own type of guy!.
And obviously, as you get older, it will bacome more of a fictional character as opposed to a man you love!.
Enjoy it while it lasts, you're not crazy, your human!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The great new is you are only 13 and your very right in not dating for 3 more years!. You will do a lot of growing up between now and then and even more between 16 and 21!. Your not the first girl to have a crush on a 2D personality and will not be the last!. Take the good qualities you notice in Edwards personality, when your older look for some of those real traits in a real person!. Most boys your age are mostly into video games, sports, there is not an "Edward" in the bunch!. (Let's face it he has had 17 + 100 years or so of practice at getting 17 right!.) Be easy on your self, you will not go crazy it may only seem that way!. Talk to your mom or an older sister, who I'm sure has had her own stories she can share with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's not real, and he's not perfect!. Would you like a guy who's a stalker!? Who would sneak into your house and watch you sleep without your knowing!? Would you like a guy who had his sister kidnap you and hold you hostage for no reason!? Would you like a guy who would DISMANTLE your car so you couldn't see a friend of yours!?

Get over it, and find a real person!. You can't date paper Www@QuestionHome@Com

you might want to come down off that twilight high you're on!.!.!. i know he would be an amazing real person, but he's not!. try to read other books and do other things not relating to twilight!.!.!. or you can think about every flaw he has!.!.!. he's way too over-protective, he's freezing cold, you could never be alone in your thoughts, he has a wife, he can be a bit of a stalker, etc!. maybe try to picture him as being extremely unattractive, that might help!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry!. Not yet!. You're only 13, it's okay!. At this point, crushing on Edward Cullen is similar to crushing on a celebrity!. Neither is going to happen, and at 13 nothing should be happening anyway!. When you're ready for a real relationship you'll know and you won't worry about Edward any more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is why 13 years old don't need to be reading novels full of angst, romance and sexual tension!. The fine line between fantasy and reality has been blurred!. Get yourself another book!.

- Oh God, more Twilight lovers giving me thumbs down for my personal opinion!. Very mature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you have gone crazy!.
You sound desperate!. You have the case of "EdwardCullenia"
It's serious and you need serious Medical attention!.

This is what you do:

Put down the Twilight Series and read another book =D


OK, that is just sad!.
Edward Cullen isn't real!.
If he was real, keep in mind that he is very, very old, and he is dead!.
Necrophilia= gross!.
Keep that in your head!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen is a fictional character, paper and ink!.
Edward Cullen does NOT exist and never will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just tell yourself that he's a FICTIONAL character and isn't real!. And keep telling yourself that he's not real until you find another guy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Cullen does not exist!. He never will exist!. Edward Cullen is a character in a novel!.

Get that through your skull!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ha!. I'm in love with him, too!. But not that much in love with him!. Keep telling yourself he's not real and he's just a fictional character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are definitely not the only one!. Theres probably thousands of girls into Edward Cullen!. He's not real though!. But who knows you may find your Edward one day!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! You could see a phsycologist!? haha jk, im madly in love with Edward Cullen too!.!.!. But i mean, come on! Dont let a fictional vampire ruin your love life! lol!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wont it be nice when school starts again and the days will be free of the mindless "ZOMG!!!!!! EDWARD!!!11!1!1!! Twilights's the most awesomist book evar!!!!!!!" kind of crap!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go out and talk to real people about real things!. Fantasy is not a substitute for reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might want to look into mental institutions in the area!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u give 13 year olds a bad name!.word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com